The Global Language of Business

GS1 Web Vocabulary

The GS1 Web Vocabulary makes it easier to include detailed structured data about a product for a web page using a standard vocabulary. The structured data about the product can then be used by search engines, smartphone apps, etc. to deliver a richer experience to the consumer.

The GS1 Web Vocabulary is designed to extend the work done by and makes use of similar concepts (Product, Offer, Organization), extending them with many more detailed properties.

The initial focus of the GS1 Web Vocabulary is consumer-facing properties for clothing, shoes, food beverage/tobacco and properties common to all trade items. Food/Beverage/Tobacco properties include diet and nutritional properties related to recent updates to food labelling legislation such as EU 1169/2011. In addition, the vocabulary includes the definition of properties related to organizations and of a product offering (a product offered by a party for a price). Properties and their definitions come from existing GS1 standards including GDSN and GPC.

The GS1 Web Vocabulary is available in RDF Turtle format and as browsable web page documentation.

The GS1 Web Vocabulary will be updated as new requirements are submitted to the GS1 GSMP for additional product categories.



  • View sample JSON-LD markup using the GS1 Web Vocabulary for a food product [link to follow]
  • View sample JSON-LD markup using the GS1 Web Vocabulary for a clothing product [link to follow]