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The GS1 Web Vocabulary collects terms defined in various GS1 standards and data systems and made available for general use following Linked Data principles. It is designed as an extension to and, where relevant, mappings and relationships arising from that vocabulary are made explicit.

The initial focus of the GS1 Web Vocabulary is consumer-facing properties for clothing, shoes, food beverage/tobacco and properties common to all products.

This includes properties related to EU 1169 as defined in the GDSN and GS1 Source Standards. In addition, the vocabulary includes the definition of parties and of a product offer (a product offered by a party for a price). Properties and their definitions come from existing GS1 standards including GDSN, GS1 Source and GPC. Exceptions to this rule include the definition of Offer which does not exist in any of the above standards.

New terms are developed and ratified according to the Global Standards Management Process. Terms may be suggested and commented on in the vocabulary’s GitHub repository .

The GS1 Web Vocabulary was originally developed as the primary output of the GS1 SmartSearch standard but it now fulfils a broader remit. The GS1 SmartSearch standard enables businesses to benefit from:

  • More accurate search results for consumers to find the products and information they need.
  • A lower bounce rate, i.e. people landing on a page and immediately navigating away as it's not relevant to them.
  • Improved conversion rate from visits to sales.
  • Improved, accurate online product information.
  • Shared product information via consumer-facing mobile devices and websites, which ultimately drive sales.

Further information and support tools for the GS1 SmartSearch are available.

The GS1 Digital Link standard makes it possible to express any set of GS1 identifiers as a Web URI and therefore the identified item can be the subject of machine-readable facts and assertions made about it. The GS1 Web Vocabulary includes the link types used in GS1 Digital Link to annotate links to related resources, such as product information pages, instruction manuals, related videos, certification information, brand owner APIs, traceability information and more.

Terms from Scan4Transport cover extended address information suitable for deliveries, especially 'last mile' deliveries.




PropertyExpected TypeDescription

Link Types:

Link Type PropertyExpected TypeDescription

Type Codes:


Type Code Values:

Code ValueNameDescription and URI

All Classes

gs1:AdditionalProductClassificationDetailsA product classification for the product other than the Global Product Classification(GPC brick value).
gs1:AdditiveDetailsA set of details about one of the additives within the product.
gs1:AllergenDetailsDetails of an allergen for a product.
gs1:AuthenticityDetailsA set of details about covert or overt security features that may contribute to checking the authenticity of a product or product instance.
gs1:AwardPrizeDetailsDescribes a prize or award won by a product or organization.
gs1:BeverageAny potable liquid.
gs1:BrandInformation on brands and sub-brands for a product.
gs1:CertificationDetailsCertification issued by a certifying body to a certification subject (Organization, Place, Product).
gs1:Clothing A product that is worn on the body.
gs1:ColourCodeDetailsA set of colour code details (colour code, party controlling the code list) for the product.
gs1:ContactPointInformation on an individual or department acting as point of contact for an organiation.
gs1:CountryCountry is a complex data type that indicates a country and a country subdivision.
gs1:DietTypeCodeDetailsA set of diet type code details (diet type code and diet type sub code) for the product.
gs1:DiscountProvides information on a discount applicable to an offer for example 2 percent.
gs1:FoodAndBeveragePreparationInformationFood and Beverage Preparation Information is a complex data type that indicates a preparation state code and preparation instructions.
gs1:FoodBeverageTobaccoIngredientDetailsFood Beverage Tobacco Ingredient is a complex data type that includes an ingredient statement and details.
gs1:FoodBeverageTobaccoProductA food, beverage or tobacco product.
gs1:Footwear Outerwear that is worn on the feet such as shoes or boots.
gs1:FruitsVegetablesContains properties related specifically to fruit and vegetable products.
gs1:GeoCoordinatesThe geographic coordinates of a place or event.
gs1:GeoShapeThe geographic shape of a place. A GeoShape can be described using several properties whose values are based on latitude/longitude pairs. Either whitespace or commas can be used to separate latitude and longitude; whitespace should be used when writing a list of several such points.
gs1:LocationID_DetailsGovernment bodies, trade organisations, and other parties issue identifiers that are associated to locations. Linking these identifiers to GLN and one another supports consolidating records, mapping related, collaborative identifiers, enhances search ability and enables more efficient transitions between identifiers. This class provides a mechanism for connecting and sharing location identifiers.
gs1:LocationStatusHistoryOver the lifetime of a location, it may go through periods of being active and inactive. gs1:LocationStatusHistory allows changes in status to be communicated in advance and tracked over time.
gs1:MeatPoultryMeat and poultry products.
gs1:MilkButterCreamYogurtCheeseEggsSubstitutesMilk butter cream yogurts cheese eggs and any substitutes for these products.
gs1:NutritionMeasurementTypeA class providing nutritional value and intake percent.
gs1:OfferAn offer to transfer some rights to an item or to provide a service,for example, an offer to sell tickets to an event, to rent the DVD of a movie, to stream a TV show over the internet, to repair a motorcycle, or to loan a book.
gs1:OrganicClaimDetailsA set of organic claim details for the product.
gs1:OrganizationAn Organization is any legal or physical entity involved at any point in any supply chain and upon which there is a need to retrieve predefined information. An Organization is uniquely identified by a Global Location Number (GLN).
gs1:OrganizationID_DetailsGovernment bodies, trade organisations, and other parties issue identifiers that are associated to legal entities and/or functions. Linking these identifiers to GLN and one another supports consolidating records, mapping related, collaborative identifiers, enhances search ability and enables more efficient transitions between identifiers. This class provides a mechanism for connecting and sharing party identifiers.
gs1:OrganizationStatusHistoryOver the lifetime of an organisation, it may go through periods of being active and inactive. gs1:OrganizationStatusHistory allows changes in status to be communicated in advance and tracked over time.
gs1:PackagingDetailsDetails on packaging for a product for example packaging type (bottle), materials, features, recycling, etc..
gs1:PackagingMaterialDetailsInformation on any material used for packaging.
gs1:PlaceEntities that have a somewhat fixed, physical location.
gs1:PostalAddressThe location at which a particular organization or person may be found or reached.
gs1:PriceSpecificationA structured value representing a monetary amount, consisting of a value and currency code.
gs1:ProductAny item (product or service) upon which there is a need to retrieve pre-defined information and that may be priced, or ordered, or invoiced at any point in any supply chain.
gs1:ProductYieldDetailsA grouping of properties related to the yield of a food or beverage product according to a specified type of preparation.
gs1:QuantitativeValueA point value or interval for product characteristics and other purposes. A unit of measurement is also specified.
gs1:ReferencedFileDetailsProvides URL and other information on a referenced electronic file.
gs1:ReturnablePackageDepositDetailsDetails of the deposit for returnable packaging for a product.
gs1:SeafoodSeafood Products including fish and shellfish.
gs1:SizeCodeDetailsA grouping of properties related to the representing the size of a product, by specifying a value from a specified code list.
gs1:SizeDetailsA grouping of properties related to the size of a wearable product
gs1:TargetMarketDetailsA set of target market details (product release date and associated countries) for the product.
gs1:TextileMaterialDetailsDetails on the composition of any materials used to make a product using textiles.
gs1:TypeCodeA code list.
gs1:WarrantyPromiseAn assurance that the product is reliable and that repairs or replacement will be done free of charge within a given time limit and under certain conditions in the event of a defect.
gs1:WearableProductProducts that are worn on the body.

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Link TypeDescription

PropertyExpected TypeDescription

PropertyExpected TypeDescription

PropertyExpected TypeDescription

Defined values for this Type Code

Code ValueNameDescription and URI

Subclasses ⇩


Superclasses ⇧


Expects value of type:

Value is expected to be of type:

Classes having this property:

Used with these classes:

Properties expecting this type of value:

Property expecting this typeExpected TypeDescription

Related properties (with the same domain and range):

PropertyExpected TypeDescription