GS1 Company Prefix (GCP) Length Table
The GS1 Company Prefix (GCP) Length Table is a file -- available in XML and JSON -- that can be used by software to look up the length of the GCP when converting barcoded or EDI-communicated GS1 identifiers into EPC encodings. This makes it possible to determine the correct Partition value for the EPC binary encoding on a RAIN RFID tag, or to determine correct placement of the “dot” that follows the Company Prefix component in an EPC URI, as used to encode GS1 identifiers in EPCIS events.
GCP Length Table (JSON)
GCP Length Table (XML)
(Updated biweekly)
GS1 RFID/Barcode Interoperability Guideline
This GS1 Guideline provides information to end users and solution providers that use GS1 data carriers including barcodes and RFID tags, specifically, data carriers that include serialised data. The guideline provides recommendations for best practices designed to lead to the highest degree of interoperability when using these data carriers, especially in any of the following situations:
- When both barcodes and RFID tags are used together to label physical objects
- When it is necessary to transfer information from a barcode to an RFID tag or vice-versa
- When deploying information systems that may read and write barcodes and RFID tags
GS1 RFID/Barcode Interoperability Guideline
Pilot report
The report covers a 2012 pilot project for Barcode/EPC interoperability purposes, including background information and learnings from the pilot.