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General Specifications Change Notifications (GSCN)

General Specifications Change Notifications (GSCNs) are detailed ratified changes to the GS1 General Specifications. Upon ratification, GSCNs are posted here to await the start of the GS1 General Specifications publication cycle. Ratified GSCNs are listed below including those which will be incorporated into the next GS1 General Specifications publication. The GSCNs are posted here for information purposes and may support pilots of the standards:

GSCNs for next release

Version 25

Version 24

Version 23

Version 22

Version 21

Version 20

Version 19.1

Version 19

Version 18

Version 17.1

Version 17

Version 16

  • GSCN for 14-050 GLN Allocation Rules 
    Major update to the GLN Allocation Rules
  • GSCN for 14-163 Maximum X-dimension for ITF-14 symbols 
    Removed migration clause
  • GSCN for 14-175 Human Readable Decision Tree 
    Updates for healthcare items
  • GSCN for 14-193 Coupon Discount and Loyalty Points AI 
    Two new GS1 Application Identifiers to support coupon loyalty programmes
  • GSCN for 14-206 Update to the definition of GS1 identification key 
  • GSCN for 14-221 Software Versions AI 
    New GS1 Application Identifiers to support software versions
  • GSCN for 15-006 Clarifications on GS1 Prefix 
    Clarification and simplification
  • GSCN for 15-009 Enable GDTI for digital files 
    Application standard to enable the use of the Global Document Type Identifier for digital files
  • GSCN for 15-039 GTIN-8 printable area 
    Clarity on the types of packaging where GTIN-8 is allowed
  • GSCN for 15-056 Apply branding 
    GS1 General Specifications bought fully into line with the GS1 global branding guidelines
  • GSCN for 15-236 Correction of verification apertures 

Version 15

  • GSCN for 14-012 Clarifications to GS1 System Symbol Specification Table  
    Areas of GS1 System Application table: 
    Moved table from section 5 to section 2. Various changes to increase consistency
  • GSCN for 14-029 GS1 DataBar updates 
    This barcode is now also included in general distribution applications
  • GSCN for 14-040 Updates related to GS1 QR Code  
    Expanded GS1 QR Code use to be an equal choice data carrier for all applications where GS1 DataMatrix was already permitted, except for Regulated Healthcare Trade Items
  • GSCN for 14-089 Revise HRI rules for healthcare trade items (original WR 10-303) 
    Provided rules to address situations where information cannot be included as HRI on a package due to package size and other limitations.
  • GSCN for 14-108 Removal of GS1 US Coupon Code for Use in North America  
    Removed the GS1 US Coupon Code Identification for Use in North America (U.P.C. Prefix 5).
  • GSCN for 14-137 GS1 General Specifications Symbol Specifications Table updates and Verification Clarifications 
    Aligned the quality measurement wavelength, to use when verifying, from 670 nm to 660 nm. Where necessary, corrected the verification aperture size
  • GSCN for 13-011 Application Identifiers for Fish Traceability Identification 
    Added several new Application Identifiers and expanded the use of an existing one (AI 703) in support of fish traceability labelling requirements.
  • GSCN for 13-064 Updates for Direct Part Marking 
    Update the General Specification to enable Direct Part Marking to be applied to all medical devices and enable use of smaller GS1 DataMatrix symbols than currently permitted for medical and surgical instruments.
  • GSCN for 14-005 Updates for GS1 Logistics Label 
    Provide clear, concise and consistent guidance on the way GS1 Logistics Label should be formatted. The intention is to better explain the use of label sections, and to better explain the use of HRI and non HRI text, reserving HRI for text that is adjacent to bar code symbols (in line with Gen Specs sections 3 and 4).
  • GSCN for 13-195 Deletion of GTIN Allocation Rule 4.6 Kits (Combinations of Independent Items each with a Separate GTIN) 
    Rule 4.6 was no longer needed due to previous changes made to Rule 4.4.2 to include kits for retail and foodservice.
  • GSCN for 13-174 Clarify the use of GTIN-14 and AI(8005) ‘Price per unit of measure’ 
    Clarifies the use of GTIN-14 is not mandatory to allow the use of AI(8005) ‘Price per unit of measure’ at Point Of Sale.
  • GSCN for 13-165 Acceptance criteria for printing bar codes 
    Updates to include improvements for tolerances and acceptance criteria for printing bar codes.
  • GSCN for 13-053 Clarify GTIN Allocation Rule 4.4.2: Define Pre-Defined Assortment 
    Reduce confusion in the implementation of this rule by adding more scenarios for a Predefined Assortment.
  • GSCN for 13-054 Clarify GTIN Allocation Rule 4.1.4: Content of a Dynamic Assortment 
    Clarify the definition of a Dynamic Assortment and make the retailer reference more generic.
  • GSCN for 13-055 Clarify GTIN Allocation Rule 4.4.1: Random Mix 
    Clarify the meaning of what a Random Mix is and explain that the items contained in a random assortment are not marked for individual sale or declared individually on the package.
  • GSCN for 13-095 Disclaimer for GTIN Allocation Rules: 
    To remove the inconsistencies amongst the various disclaimers related to the GTIN Allocation Rules in the GS1 General Specifications.
  • GSCN for 13-118 Remove Extended Coupon Codes 8100, 8101, & 8102 
    Extended Coupon Codes 8100, 8101, & 8102: Remove from the GS1 General Specifications the Application Identifiers 8100, 8101, 8102 that are no longer in use or needed due to the implementation of the “North American Coupon Application Guideline Using GS1 DataBar (RSS) Expanded Symbols” in January 2008.
  • GSCN for 13-137 Expand GTIN Allocation Rule 4.4.2: Pre-Defined Assortments 
    Expand the definition of Pre-Defined Assortment to include several scenarios of Standard Trade Items with a mix of Standard Trade Items, Retail Consumer Trade Items with Retail Consumer Trade Items and assortments from multiple manufacturers. This includes revised definitions of Dynamic Assortments and Random Mix.

Version 14

  • GSCN for 12-297 Sell By 
    Provide the ability to distinguish between the Best Before Date which is targeted at the consumer and Sell By Date which is targeted at the retailer (no AI).
  • GSCN for 12-334 Clarification to X-dimension 
    Clarifications to the term X-dimension to remove confusion related to ‘nominal size’ and a correction to the fixed aspect ratio.
  • GSCN for 13-026 GTINs in Multi-Packs 
    Clarify/specify the fact that a GTIN once assigned to a product stays the same GTIN as long as there is no change to the product, regardless of the way the product is packed and/or handled in the supply chain
  • GSCN for 13-043 Use of the term ‘standard’ 
    To ensure that the word 'standard' is only ever used to refer to entities standardised by GS1 or other standards organisations.
  • GSCN for 13-083 Correction for IBAN AI 
    Application Identifier 8007 (International Bank Account Number) is incorrect. The current length is 30 alphanumeric and it should be 34 alpha-numeric.
  • GSCN for 13-085 Concatenation for SSCCC 
    Update the recommendation on concatenation of the SSCC. It is not appropriate in all situations when in some cases it is not physically feasible (e.g. label too small).
  • GSCN for 13-097 Language Group GTIN Allocation Rule Update 
    Remove the confusion between the rules focused on New Languages and Language Group Clusters.
  • GSCN for 13-125 Merchandise Sold with Allowance GTIN Allocation Rule 
    Clarify the scenario when a new GTIN is needed by the Merchandise Sold with Allowance rule.
  • GSCN for 13-051 NHRN 
    A new AI has been added to accommodate the regulated ANVISA Drug Registration Number as part of the data & information set encoded in the bar code symbol.
  • GSCN for 12-295 Best Before Date 
    Add clarity and remove ambiguity from the definition of AI 15.

Version 13

  • GSCN for 10-303 GTIN Non-Reuse in Healthcare 
    Explicit non-reuse of GTINs for Regulated Healthcare Trade Items(RHTIs)
  • GSCN for 11-110 for Component / Part Identification (CPID) 
    New AIs 8010 & 8011 for Component / Part Identification
  • GSCN for 12-175 Loose Produce & Variable Measure Fresh Foods 
    Clarify GTIN Allocation Rules for Loose Produce and Variable Measure Fresh Food at Point Of Sale
  • GSCN for 12-182 Minor packaging changes GTIN Allocation Rule 
    Ensure that all trading partners understand that minor packaging changes have a definition that also involves an understanding of other GTIN Allocation Rules
  • GSCN for 12-183 Logo / Certification GTIN Allocation Rule 
    Remove ambiguity in the GTIN Allocation Rule on the use of a ‘logo’ and the requirements when a certification mark is removed
  • GSCN for 12-184 Package reporting GTIN Allocation Rule 
    Remove ambiguity from the GTIN Allocation Rule to expand package reporting to include weight in addition to count
  • GSCN for 12-186 Packaging material changes GTIN Allocation Rule 
    Add words to differentiate packaging material changes and change the rule to be more globally applicable
  • GSCN for 12-261 Addition of National Trade Item Number (NTIN) 
    Addition of a global definition for the term National Trade Item Number (NTIN) to provide needed clarity
  • GSCN for 12-283 Bonus Pack GTIN Allocation Rule 
    Add text to reduce confusion over what is a Combination Pack with a Bonus Pack
  • GSCN for 12-284 Combo Pack GTIN Allocation Rule
  • There have been confusions, mixing up Combination Pack with Bonus Pack
  • GSCN for 12-299 Printed on Pack Combo Pack GTIN Allocation Rule 
    Simplify the GTIN Allocation Rules when dealing with a price printed on a package
  • GSCN for 12-309 Bar Code Verification Template Updates 
    To ensure that correct reporting of verification results is achieved internationally, and to align the GS1 verification template with the ISO/IEC standard
  • GSCN for 12-326 GDTI with GS1 DataMatrix 
    Allow the use of GS1 Data Matrix for GDTI for Healthcare
  • GSCN for 12-327 Details on minimum symbol heights 
    Reduce potential misinterpretation of EAN/UPC Symbol heights to include minimum bar heights Specification
  • GSCN for 12-338 Update the terms to x-dimensions 
    Change term “printing density” with “x-dimensions”

Version 12

  • GSCN for 12-176 Data Title 
    Bring the Data Title in line with the other AIs in the General Specification
  • GSCN for 12-181 GTIN Allocation Rule update 
    Specify that the GTIN will change when the primary brand changes
  • GSCN for 12-231 Update for Global Coupon Number (GCN) 
    Update Global Coupon Number standard formatting to align with the General Specification
  • GSCN for 12-047 Updates for Extended Packaging 
    Clarifications in the extended packaging AI
  • GSCN for 12-178 Update to Height Specifications 
    Aligned symbol height specifications between the GS1 General Specifications and ISO/IEC 15420 for EAN/UPC and other linear symbols
  • GSCN for 12-191 New Application ID for Country SubDivision 
    Added capability to identify local region of origin
  • GSCN for 12-092 70 Series Clarifications 
    Clarify all AI's that start with 7 have a restriction as stated: Application Identifiers starting with digit 7 represent a special case because they are restricted to: one or a small number of sectors (i.e. are not multi-sectoral) or a country or a region (i.e. are not global).
  • GSCN for 12-023 2D Verification Template 
    GS1 General Specification changes to enable 2D bar code verification and its templates for industry usage. This includes a 2D verification standard document template to the GS1 General Specifications.
  • GSCN for 11-142 GS1 DataBar and ISO alignment 
    Changes to the GS1 General Specifications to make it more consistent with ISO and to address reading larger GS1 DataBar Expanded Stacked Symbols.
  • GSCN for 10-300 National Healthcare Reimbursement Number (NHRN) 
    An increasing number of countries are now pursuing initiatives to improve patient safety, prevent counterfeits, implement track/trace, and build national registries for healthcare items. Product identification is a core requirement that is a foundational element for all of these initiatives. With a solution the divergence between NHRN and GTIN, the following opportunities can be captured: (1) One AIDC mark that can be used for both regulatory and supply chain purposes to avoid the proliferation of AIDC markings, especially for small packaging; (2) Adoption of the GTIN across healthcare products, countries, and trading partners which enables end-to-end traceability using a single product key, (2) Facilitates the automation of manual transactions and consistent product identification to better enable processes such as bedside scanning.
  • GSCN for 09-092 Packaging Components ID (PCID) 
    Addresses the use case where a GTIN and GTIN attribute are used by consumer trade item brand owners to ensure the proper association of packaging components during production of a finished consumer trade item.
  • GSCN for 09-092 Use Case 3 & 4 
    General retail & healthcare point of sale and point of care for managing multiple bar codes.
  • GSCN for 09-138 Patient & Caregiver Identification 
    This General Specification Change Notice (GSCN) provides a global standard for the identification of a patient (Subject of Care) and a caregiver (Individual Provider) using automatic identification and data capture (AIDC) at the delivery of care to assure patient safety.
  • GSCN for 11-068 Conformance Updates and Appendix 
    Clarifications to the language in the Gen Spec around bar code conformance, remove ambiguity. Measurement tolerances for conformance and a conformance appendix
  • GSCN for 11-069 GSNC Clarify Global Verification Template 
    Provide clarity to the GS1 Bar Code Verification Template
  • GSCN for 11-129 Clarify the use of GRAI for ordering 
    This General Specification Change Notice addresses and corrects misleading statements on the use of GRAI for ordering: a GTIN is required for ordering
  • GSCN for 11-131 AI Data Titles 
    Suggested Manual Use case practice for the identification of dates and date types including the use of current ISO date expression structure; and short form representations of the date types based on current industry practices
  • GSCN for 11-141 Updates Symbol Specification Tables for use of GS1 DataBar in General Distribution 
    Updates to the Symbol Specification Tables to provide clarity around the use of GS1 DataBar in General Distribution, supporting the GS1 DataBar 2014 message “open for all trade items”. These changes will remove or reduce any legacy issues involving implementation of GS1 DataBar programs. This is especially true for scanning and printing applications as well as quality assurance procedures implemented by end users
  • 11-154 Errata updates for GLN ‘Party’ changes 
    Corrects an error that has occurred in relation to the definition of the Global Location Number (GLN). Work Request 08-219 updated the definition of the GLN in several places within the GS1 General Specifications for Version 11. During the development process, a small portion of the text that was successfully eBalloted was not included in the final publication of Version 11 of the General Specifications
  • 11-173 Allowable Character Set 
    Updates what characters are allowed for encoding in GS1 Bar Codes
  • 11-212 Day of the Month 
    This provides clear and consistent guidance on the interpretation of the day of the month when business needs do not require the identification of a specific day in the date field and zeros are used for the date field

Version 11

  • GSCN for 10-122 minimum X dimension 
    The North American Coupon Code using GS1 DataBar Expanded Stacked is giving Brand Owners that issue coupons the ability to issue them with increasing complexity. The Coupon industry uses standard sizes for coupons. The increasingly more complex offers must be explained to the consumer on the coupon and increases the size of the GS1 DataBar Expanded Stacked barcode. Coupon issuers have found that they need to reduce the size (X Dimension) of the barcode to be able to include all of the information they need to place on the coupon. GS1 has conducted tests that show that there is no significant performance reduction for these coupon codes when printed at an 8 mils X Dimension while maintaining a 1.00” bar height (which is the bar height of a 100% EAN/UPC). This reduced X dimension gives the coupon issuer an additional .5” of space on the coupon..
  • GSCN for 10-257 GDTI 
    All industries have the need to uniquely identify documents for processing, storage and retrieval. And this has been greatly emphasised by regulatory requirements. GS1 long ago recognised this general business need and already provides a key for this purpose – the Global Document Type Identifier (GDTI) . This key not only identifies the document type but can also, via its Serial Component, provide a capability to uniquely identify a specific physical document within a document type. But as more regulations impose the need to uniquely identify and retain more documents, then the numeric limitation becomes a serious issue even to the point of causing members to issue new document types simply to overcome that limitation. In addition, many industries already use alphanumeric notation for serialisation of documents. Today both of these categories are dissuaded from adopting the GDTI for this purpose.Guide.
  • GSCN for 10-306 SSCC Key Clarification eBallot 
    This work effort is driven from the GS1 Architecture Group 60 Day review work undertaken in the latter half of 2007. The team is to develop a set of principles for the use of all GS1 Keys currently defined. The principles should clearly articulate for what purpose the GS1 Keys are used, how they differ in their application and to define when one should be used instead of another. Clarification is needed on the definition and use of the GS1 Keys for the user community. It is critical to ensure that the GS1 and EPC user community are provided with clear and unambiguous specifications for the use of the GS1 Keys and any attributes that have been defined. The clarification of GS1 Keys will provide a more consistent implementation of the GS1 System, thus providing users with clearer and more manageable processes based on the GS1 Standards for supply chain.
  • GSCN 10-123 HRI 
    Modifies section Healthcare Human Readable Interpretation (HRI) Implementation to simplify the existing Healthcare specific HRI decision tree, text and glossary to avoid misinterpretation by industry and regulators during implementation and use, clarifying the intended Healthcare specific HRI guidance on Healthcare trade items that require AIDC marking.
  • GSCN 10-202 Correct Wrong Reference in 2.1.5 
    This change corrects a reference in Section 2.1.5. Variable Measure Trade Items Not Crossing a Point-of- Sale, GS1 Key Rules.
  • GSCN 10-173: Align Numeric Specs with GSMP Style Guide 
    This change aligns Numeric Specifications in the document with the GSMP Style Guide.
  • GSCN for 09-074 Fresh Foods GTIN Allocation Rules 
    The Fresh Food Identification Work Group and the GS1 Board / GA requested Application Standards for Variable Measure and Loose Produce products needed to be decided in the GSMP. In order to migrate from Restricted Circulation Numbers (RCN’s) to GTIN for Fresh Variable Measure and Loose Produce Items Scanned at Point-of-Sale, Application Standards are required, which include: GTIN Allocation Rules
  • GSCN for 09-074 Fresh Foods Application Standards 
    The Fresh Food Identification Work Group and the GS1 Board / GA requested Application Standards for Variable Measure and Loose Produce products needed to be decided in the GSMP. In order to migrate from Restricted Circulation Numbers (RCN’s) to GTIN for Fresh Variable Measure and Loose Produce Items Scanned at Point-of-Sale, Application Standards are required, which include: Application Standards for Fresh Food Trade Items Scanned at POS Using GTIN
  • GSCN for 09-074 Human Readable Interpretation 
    The Fresh Food Identification Work Group and the GS1 Board / GA requested Application Standards for Variable Measure and Loose Produce products needed to be decided in the GSMP. In order to migrate from Restricted Circulation Numbers (RCN’s) to GTIN for Fresh Variable Measure and Loose Produce Items Scanned at Point-of-Sale, Application Standards are required, which include: Application Standards for Fresh Food Trade Items Scanned at POS Using GTIN
  • GSCN for 11-000136: Mandatory Associations for AI(7003) 
    The GS1 General Specifications states that the Application Identifier AI(7003) is an attribute of a trade item and when the data is transmitted from the bar code reader, it must be processed together with the GTIN of the trade item to which it relates. This update explicitly states that there is a mandatory association of AI(7003) with a GTIN.
  • GSCN for 11-135: Mandatory Associations for AI(250) 
    The GS1 General Specifications clearly states that if the Application Identifier, Secondary Serial Number AI(250) is used, the trade item must be also be marked with both GTIN, AI(01) and Serial Number, AI(21). This update explicitly states the mandatory association of AI(250) with both AI(01) and AI(21).
  • GSCN for 11-119: GTIN-8 Clarification 
    To make clear that GTIN-8s and RCN-8s are formed using GS1-8 Prefixes in the body of the GS1 General Specifications. This will make clear that GTINs that incorporate a GS1-8 Prefix are unique alongside all the other series of GTINs. As some GTINs are derived from GS1 Prefixes and not GS1 Company Prefixes, it is still necessary to mention GS1 Prefixes separately in this context.
  • GSCN for 11-058: Correction to length of Application Identifier 8110 
    Correct the length of AI (8110) to a maximum length of 70 in Sections 3.2 & 3.9.12 of the GS1 General Specifications
  • GSCN for 10-323: Identification of Metering Points 
    Specify that the GSRN is the GS1 Key for the identification of the relationship between the network service providers and the suppliers of utility produces such as electricity, etc. In the relationships between the network supplier for distribution of electricity in the network and the supplier of electricity, each service relation must be identified. The service relation point (installation) is the common denominator. To streamline and secure cooperation between suppliers of electricity and the suppliers for the electricity distribution services a GS1 Key is needed to uniquely identifying the service relations (installations) by the electricity market in northern European (Germany, Netherlands, Denmark, Norway, Belgium, Finland and Sweden).
  • GSCN for 10-307: Expand the use of the GDTI to include ‘virtual’ records 
    This work effort was initially driven from the GS1 Architecture Group 60 Day review work undertaken in the latter half of 2007. The intent being the clarification of GS1 Keys to provide a more consistent implementation of the GS1 System, thus providing users with clearer and more manageable processes based on the GS1 Standards for supply chain. The main focus of this GSCN is to expand the use of the GDTI to explicitly include ‘virtual’ records.
  • GSCN for 10-199: SSCC Allocation 
    The allocation of the SSCC needed further clarification to ensure the security of the GS1 system which increases as traceability is made possible when the SSCC is directly linked to the company responsible for assembling the logistics unit.
  • GSCN for 08-188: Allocation of GS1 Global Company Prefixes 
    There is a recognized need to modify GS1 General Specifications to ensure that the allocation/reuse of the GS1 Global Company Prefix is the same for all GS1 Keys. This update will eliminate any possible confusion and mis-interpretation over potential reuse, leasing or re-allocation of the whole or parts of the GS1 Global Company Prefix.
  • GSCN for 09-092: Managing Multiple Bar Codes (MMBC) Extended Packaging 
    This GSCN is one of four being developed by the work group. The GSCN for Extended Packaging addresses the use case where the consumers are scanning packaging before and after purchasing the items using mobile devices to obtain additional information about the item.

Version 10

  • GSCN: 10-063 Healthcare GTIN Allocation Rules 
    The change was to review and change the current version of the Healthcare GTIN Allocation Rules to bring the document in line with the latest version of the General Specification (Version 10 Issue 1) and to ensure that any updates made in the Gen Specs are properly maintained within this document.
  • GSCN: 10-076 Definition Change – Primary Packaging 
    The request was to modify the definition of “Primary Packaging” in the GS1 Glossary to avoid misinterpretation by industry and regulators by clarifying the marking intent in regard to the present phrase in the definition of “in contact with” as it applies to primary packed items that may, due to the manufacturing process, have packing “in contact with” the trade item that is not intended to be marked or is not able to be marked due to sterilization or other manufacturing processes.
  • GSCN 09-146: GTIN-8 and AI (01) 
    This change was to amend section 3.3.2 to make explicit that a GTIN-8 may be denoted by AI (01) and to make it clear that GTIN-8s have the same status and functionality as all other GTINs with respect to the application identifier standards.
  • GSCN: 09-174 Remove the explicit naming of FACT DI. 
    This GSCN documents the removal of the explicit naming of FACT DI in the title of the relevant section in order to make the GenSpecs easier to understand for the user and to simplify the title of AI 90.
  • GSCN: 10-062 Corrections to Section 
    This GSCN documents corrections to resolve an error within Section (Healthcare Secondary Packaging - Regulated Healthcare Retail Consumer Trade Items) by removing all references to GTIN-14 as they relate to retail where GTIN-14 is not approved and is a part of sunrise discussions.
  • GSCN 09-231 FNC1 Usage in GS1 DataMatrix 
    Changes will be made to GS1 General Specifications v10 section 5.7.2 GS1 DataMatrix Features and Symbol Basics..
  • GSCN 08-219 Section 2.4 and Post eBallot Clean-Up 
    Once General Specification section 2.4 changes were eBalloted and passed the ballot, there was a need to update or clean-up the rest of the document sections that use the changed terms and definitions. These sections that need to be updated to conform to the new terminology have been included in the “Clean-Up” document.
  • GSCN 10-159 Resolve Conflict: vs Symbol Spec Tables 2 & 8 
    This change brings Section in alignment with Symbol Spec Tables 2 & 8.
  • GSCN 10-175 Add Missing Titles To Section 5 Figures 
    This change adds titles for all the figures in Section 5.
  • GSCN 10-176 Clarify Symbols Carrying AIs 
    This change adds clarification and/or corrects errors, omissions or inconsistencies regarding the use of Application Identifiers in GS1 symbols that carry AIs.
  • GSCN 10-220 Correct Two Errors in HC GTIN Allocation Rules 
    This change aligns the Gen Spec with the Healthcare GTIN Allocation Rules. The term EAN/UCC - 14 is used instead of GTIN - 14 and the term variable quantity is used instead of variable measure

Version 9

  • GSCN 09-062 Clarifications to Section 3 
    The changes affect Section 3 of the General Specification.
  • GSCN 08-263 Application Standard For Healthcare 
    The changes affect Sections 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 8 of the GS1 General Specification and are contained in six word documents as GSCN Attachments 1 through 6.. The changes also add a new Application Identifier for Active Potency which is included in the changes to Section 3. Note: The number for the new application identifier has been assigned and will be AI (7004).
  • GSCN 08-000181 Indicator Digit Rules 
    This change provides additional clarity for the use of GTINs and indicator digits for the primary package level marking of trade items.
  • GSCN 09-026: Small Instrument Marking 
    This change request covers creation and addition of a small medical instruments specific application standard for healthcare using the GS1 System Standards intended to set a common direction for direct part marking of small medical instruments.
  • GSCN 08-085: Word Changes to AI(703) 
    The change allows processing halls, who produce pre-packed self-service beef products, to represent up to three slaughterhouses or cutting halls of one batch in the GS1-128 barcode on pre-stage and transport labels in accordance with the Regulation EC 275/2007.
  • GSCN 08-073: Changes to AI(401) and AI(402) 
    In the latest version of the General Specifications AI 401 and AI 402 are classified as GS1 keys, however this fact is not reflected in all parts of the General Specifications. A name change is request to align these keys with the GS1 naming convention.
  • GSCN 08-184: Clarify Leading Zeros To add a clarification that leading zeroes do not change a GTIN when it is encoded in a fixed-length data field or recorded in a database field 
    To ensure that all users understand that GTINs prefixed by any number of leading zeroes are to be treated as if the zeroes were not present. To make clear that leading zeroes may or may not be required by different applications. This change will simply make explicit what is understood by experienced users of the GS1 System.
  • GSCN 08-187: Glossary Update 
    The GS1 General Specifications Glossary (Section 8) underwent a consistency review both in its own right (e.g., the term EANCOM was defined twice) and with other GS1 Glossary terms (e.g., EPCglobal). This GSCN is a result of this review.
  • GSCN 08-223: Capacity Release for Euro Denominated Coupons 
    This change supports the correct structure for coupons denominated in the euro currency.
  • GSCN 08-274 Clarification of Section 
    In the GS1 General Specification Chapter and under GS1 Keys - Rules following sentence has to be deleted: In addition, the main bar code symbols on books and paperback must not be reduced in height. And under Symbol Placement the references to other section should be only to the second level: instead of 6.4.11 it's written 6.4. Additionally in Chapter under data Carrier Specifications under Symbol Placement following sentence was deleted: In addition, the main bar code symbols on books and paperbacks must appear on the outside cover of the book (to facilitate payment) and inside the cover for books that are subject to return.
  • GSCN 08-167 Add DataBar Symbol Specs to Tables 
    Integrate GS1 DataBar Symbol Specs to all Symbol Specification Tables in the Gen Specs. 
    There is no mention of GS1 DB in the Symbol Specifications Tables in the Gen Specs and they must be updated per the 2006 GS1 Board adoption decision • Retailers globally are now implementing and/or piloting GS1 DataBar. Symbols Specs are needed in order to have global standardization for symbol size usage. If Symbol Specifications are not included in all Symbol Specification Tables in the Gen Specs, global divergence implementing GS1 DataBar will result.

Version 8

  • GSCN 08-075: ISBN-14 Digit GTIN 
    Adds/Updates ISBN-14 Digit GTIN to the General Specifications
  • GSCN 08-001: Update System Logic – DataBar and Data Matrix 
    This request enhances Sections 5, 7 and 8 of the GS1 General Specification version 8.0 by clarifying the system logic used for DataBar and Data Matrix.
  • GSCN 08-002: Update for sections 5.6 and 8.1 
    The solution to work order 08-00036 which updates sections 5.6 and 8.1 of the GS1 General Specification.
  • GSCN 07-415: Symbol Placement Guidelines 
    Update to Symbol Placement Guidelines.
  • GSCN 08-147: GLN Website Pointer 
    Adds a link to the GLN Allocation Rules Website
  • GSCN 08-160 Add GS1 Prefixes Figures 
    Adds a GS1 Prefixes figure to the document.
  • GSCN 08-161: Improved Navigation to Sections 3 & 7 
    Update to Symbol Placement Guidelines.
  • GSCN 08-162: Improved Navigation to Sections 2 & 5 
    Improves navigation to the Gen Spec.
  • GSCN 08-166: Removes Outdated References to EPC-RFID 
    Removes and updates outdated references to EPC-RFID.