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Showing 34 results
Scanning the horizon: the evolution of Scan4Safety in the NHS
Scanning the horizon: the evolution of Scan4Safety in the NHS
Six acute NHS demonstrator sites were funded through the GS1 and PEPPOL implementation programme tha...
GS1 standards enable optimisation of maritime and ports operations
Transport & Logistics, Technical Industries
GS1 standards enable optimisation of maritime and ports operations
Today’s maritime supply chains have become increasingly complex—stakeholders interact every minute o...
Best practice patient safety and traceability of infant feeds at CHI (Children’s Health Ireland) at Temple Street
Best practice patient safety and traceability of infant feeds at CHI (Children’s Health Ir...
In 2016 the hospital was audited by the Food Safety Professionals Association (FSPA).
Verified by GS1 enhances product data quality for Johnson & Johnson Supply Chain
Verified by GS1 enhances product data quality for Johnson & Johnson Supply Chain
To better serve retailers and consumers, Johnson & Johnson Supply Chain is using Verified by GS1 to ...
Bedside scanning requires cultural change
Bedside scanning requires cultural change
Rigshospitalet is a University Hospital in the Capital Region of Denmark. It is a highly specialised...
Towards a new management model: surgical prosthesis traceability
Towards a new management model: surgical prosthesis traceability
The Hospital Universitari Vall d’Hebrón did not meet current regulations on traceability records for...
A medical device manufacturer’s experience of UDI and its implementation
A medical device manufacturer’s experience of UDI and its implementation
LINET spol. s r.o. is a major European manufacturer of hospital and nursing beds.
The impact of GS1 standards on operating room efficiency at the 401 Athens General Military Hospital
The impact of GS1 standards on operating room efficiency at the 401 Athens General Militar...
In army supply chain processes, it’s imperative to achieve fast and accurate operations.