Case studies Welcome to the central library for all GS1 case studies. Use search or filters to discover case studies related to specific topics such as benefit, industry, service, standard or location. Search Industry Retail Consumer packaged goods (CPG) Apparel Fresh foods General merchandise Marketplaces Healthcare Transport & Logistics Technical Industries Foodservice Public sector Region Europe Latin America North America Asia Pacific Middle East and Africa Country Argentina Australia Belgium Brazil China Costa Rica France Germany Greece Hungary Ireland Japan Luxembourg Netherlands Norway Poland Portugal Switzerland Thailand Turkey United Arab Emirates United Kingdom United States Benefits Consumer engagement Data quality Inventory management (-) Operational efficiency Regulatory compliance Sustainability Safety Traceability Standards GTIN GLN SSCC 1D barcodes 2D barcodes GPC (-) GS1 DataMatrix GS1 Digital Link RFID EDI Services Verified by GS1 GDSN Type of organisation Retailer Manufacturer Government Healthcare provider Solution provider Small & Medium Enterprises (-) Operational efficiency (-) GS1 DataMatrix Clear all filters Showing 47 results Healthcare Demonstrating the benefits of scanning UDI barcodes on the front lines The Veterans Affairs (VA) Medical Center in Miami, Florida, spent countless hours each week manually... Healthcare The impact of GS1 standards on operating room efficiency at the 401 Athens General Militar... In army supply chain processes, it’s imperative to achieve fast and accurate operations. Technical Industries Hungast Group: Innovative solutions for consumer safety in foodservice To comply with regulatory and consumer demands, Hungast Group turned to GS1 Hungary to build a trace... Healthcare Leveraging GS1 standards to ensure accuracy and safety of patient care at Canberra Hospita... To take full advantage of technologies available today, healthcare providers need to consider how th... Healthcare Connected, continuous and complete: Implementing Scan4Safety using GS1 standards at the co... Launched in England by the UK’s Department of Health and Social Care in 2016, the Scan4Safety progra... Healthcare Successful implementation of electronic health record system for traceability of medical m... In Japan, GS1 barcodes have been used in the healthcare industry for decades, specifically by medica... Healthcare Fulfiling a vision of digital transformation with GS1 standards The Franciscan Missionaries of Our Lady Health System (FMOLHS) is a non-profit healthcare system ser... Healthcare Leeds Teaching Hospitals takes huge savings in time and spends it on patient care Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust (LTHT) is one of the largest in England with more than 2,000 beds... Pagination 1 2 3 4 5 6