Case studies Welcome to the central library for all GS1 case studies. Use search or filters to discover case studies related to specific topics such as benefit, industry, service, standard or location. Search Filter ResultsClear all filters Industry1 Retail Retail 1 Consumer packaged goods (CPG) (-) Consumer packaged goods (CPG) Apparel Apparel Fresh foods Fresh foods General merchandise General merchandise Marketplaces Marketplaces Healthcare Healthcare Transport & Logistics Transport & Logistics Technical Industries Technical Industries Foodservice Foodservice Public sector Public sector Region Europe Europe Country1 No results foundArgentina Argentina Australia Australia Austria Austria Brazil Brazil Chile Chile China China Colombia Colombia Denmark Denmark Egypt Egypt France (-) France Germany Germany Greece Greece Guatemala Guatemala Hong Kong Hong Kong India India Ireland Ireland Italy Italy Japan Japan Korea Korea Mexico Mexico Netherlands Netherlands Panama Panama Peru Peru Poland Poland Singapore Singapore Sweden Sweden Switzerland Switzerland United Kingdom United Kingdom United States United States Vietnam Vietnam Benefits Operational efficiency Operational efficiency Standards RFID RFID EDI EDI Services Verified by GS1 Verified by GS1 GDSN GDSN Type of organisation Retailer Retailer (-) France (-) Consumer packaged goods (CPG) Clear all filters Showing 1 results Order to Cash implementation at L'Oréal in France