Case studies Welcome to the central library for all GS1 case studies. Use search or filters to discover case studies related to specific topics such as benefit, industry, service, standard or location. Search Industry Retail Marketplaces Healthcare Transport & Logistics Technical Industries Foodservice Public sector Region (-) Asia Pacific Country Australia China (-) Chinese Taipei France Hong Kong India Indonesia Japan Korea (-) Malaysia Netherlands New Zealand Singapore Thailand Vietnam Benefits Regulatory compliance Safety Traceability Standards GTIN 1D barcodes 2D barcodes GS1 DataMatrix Services Verified by GS1 GDSN Type of organisation Manufacturer Government Healthcare provider Small & Medium Enterprises (-) Chinese Taipei (-) Malaysia (-) Asia Pacific Clear all filters Showing 4 results Healthcare St. Joseph’s Hospital: Unique Device Identification for better care and patient safety St. Joseph’s (Catholic) Hospital is located in Huwei township, Yunlin county, Chinese Taipei. Healthcare Using GS1 standards to create Kaohsiung Armed Forces General Hospital’s smart medical syst... The implementation of auto-identification reduces the chances of human error and means that implante... Retail, Foodservice, Public sector Securing the durian export supply chain from Malaysia to China Malaysia is one of the world’s leading producers and exporters of the durian fruit due to its natura... TFDA, CCH and GS1 Taiwan advancing GS1 BarCodes to improve patient safety