Case studies Welcome to the central library for all GS1 case studies. Use search or filters to discover case studies related to specific topics such as benefit, industry, service, standard or location. Search Industry Retail Consumer packaged goods (CPG) Apparel Fresh foods General merchandise Marketplaces Healthcare Transport & Logistics Technical Industries Foodservice Public sector Region Europe Asia Pacific North America Latin America Middle East and Africa Country Argentina Australia Austria Belgium Brazil Canada Chile China Chinese Taipei Colombia Costa Rica Croatia Czech Republic Denmark Egypt Finland France Germany Greece Guatemala Hong Kong Hungary India Ireland Italy Japan Korea Luxembourg Mexico Netherlands New Zealand Norway Panama Peru Poland Portugal Singapore Slovakia Spain Switzerland Thailand Turkey United Kingdom United States Vietnam Benefits Consumer engagement Data quality Inventory management Operational efficiency Regulatory compliance Sustainability Safety Traceability Transparency Standards GTIN (-) UDI GLN SSCC (-) 1D barcodes 2D barcodes GPC GS1 DataMatrix GS1 Digital Link RFID EDI Services Verified by GS1 GDSN Type of organisation Retailer Manufacturer Government Healthcare provider Solution provider Marketplace Logistics provider Wholesaler Distributor Small & Medium Enterprises (-) UDI (-) 1D barcodes Clear all filters Showing 194 results Healthcare Improving general inventory control at Portsmouth Hospitals NHS Trust, UK Portsmouth Hospitals NHS Trust recognised the need for better inventory management. It employed GS1 ... Transport & Logistics, Technical Industries GS1 standards enable optimisation of maritime and ports operations Today’s maritime supply chains have become increasingly complex—stakeholders interact every minute o... Retail, Fresh foods, Transport & Logistics Asset Management in Fresh Food: With EPC/RFID, Kibun gains visibility on location of its t... The Kibun Group operates a diverse array of businesses, all centered on chilled food, and principall... Healthcare Using GS1 standards to create Kaohsiung Armed Forces General Hospital’s smart medical syst... The implementation of auto-identification reduces the chances of human error and means that implante... Retail, Consumer packaged goods (CPG) Aguas Misioneras: Providing consumers with bottled and traceable Argentinian water Aguas Misioneras is a state company in Argentina, wanted to create a traceability system so that bot... Healthcare Lovisenberg Diaconal Hospital achieves significant efficiency improvements and traceabilit... Established in 1894, Lovisenberg Diaconal Hospital is publicly financed, but operates as a non-profi... Healthcare CAISM and Cristália partner together for increased patient safety, improved processes and ... The Women’s Health Hospital – CAISM UNICAMP (CAISM) has always been concerned with the safety of pat... Retail, Fresh foods Hong Kong retailer PARKnSHOP sees multiple benefits from implementing Verified by GS1 Replacing one-at-a-time manual GS1 GTIN checks with batch-sized automation through Verified by GS1 a... Pagination 1 2 3 4 5 6 …