Case studies Welcome to the central library for all GS1 case studies. Use search or filters to discover case studies related to specific topics such as benefit, industry, service, standard or location. Search Filter ResultsClear all filters Industry Retail Retail Consumer packaged goods (CPG) Consumer packaged goods (CPG) Apparel Apparel Fresh foods Fresh foods General merchandise General merchandise Marketplaces Marketplaces Healthcare Healthcare Transport & Logistics Transport & Logistics Technical Industries Technical Industries Foodservice Foodservice Public sector Public sector Region Europe Europe Asia Pacific Asia Pacific North America North America Latin America Latin America Middle East and Africa Middle East and Africa Country No results foundArgentina Argentina Australia Australia Austria Austria Belgium Belgium Brazil Brazil Canada Canada Chile Chile China China Chinese Taipei Chinese Taipei Colombia Colombia Costa Rica Costa Rica Croatia Croatia Czech Republic Czech Republic Denmark Denmark Egypt Egypt Finland Finland France France Germany Germany Greece Greece Guatemala Guatemala Hong Kong Hong Kong Hungary Hungary India India Ireland Ireland Italy Italy Japan Japan Korea Korea Luxembourg Luxembourg Mexico Mexico Netherlands Netherlands New Zealand New Zealand Norway Norway Panama Panama Peru Peru Poland Poland Portugal Portugal Singapore Singapore Slovakia Slovakia Spain Spain Switzerland Switzerland Thailand Thailand Turkey Turkey United Kingdom United Kingdom United States United States Vietnam Vietnam Benefits Consumer engagement Consumer engagement Data quality Data quality Inventory management Inventory management Operational efficiency Operational efficiency Regulatory compliance Regulatory compliance Sustainability Sustainability Safety Safety Traceability Traceability Transparency Transparency Standards2 GTIN GTIN UDI (-) UDI GLN GLN SSCC SSCC 1D barcodes (-) 1D barcodes 2D barcodes 2D barcodes GPC GPC GS1 DataMatrix GS1 DataMatrix GS1 Digital Link GS1 Digital Link RFID RFID EDI EDI Services Verified by GS1 Verified by GS1 GDSN GDSN Type of organisation Retailer Retailer Manufacturer Manufacturer Government Government Healthcare provider Healthcare provider Solution provider Solution provider Marketplace Marketplace Logistics provider Logistics provider Wholesaler Wholesaler Distributor Distributor Small & Medium Enterprises Small & Medium Enterprises (-) UDI (-) 1D barcodes Clear all filters Showing 194 results Healthcare Enabling traceability at Dijon University Hospital through identification of all rooms and... The University Hospital CHU Dijon is a 1,700 bed hospital employing more than 6,300 people, collecti... Healthcare Towards a new management model: surgical prosthesis traceability The Hospital Universitari Vall d’Hebrón did not meet current regulations on traceability records for... Healthcare Bedside scanning requires cultural change Rigshospitalet is a University Hospital in the Capital Region of Denmark. It is a highly specialised... Healthcare National Children’s Hospital uses GS1 standards to improve efficiency in patient care The inventory the National Children’s Hospital were working with was identified in a variety of ways... Healthcare Fewer bricks and more clicks result in optimal medical device inventory at Radboudumc Radboud University Medical Centre (Radboudumc) wanted to eliminate out-of-stock situations for its o... Healthcare St. Joseph’s Hospital: Unique Device Identification for better care and patient safety St. Joseph’s (Catholic) Hospital is located in Huwei township, Yunlin county, Chinese Taipei. Healthcare Improving patient safety & quality of care at the National Centre for Hereditary Coagulati... An ineffective recall of contaminated plasma-derived haemophilia medication prompted the NCHCD of St... Retail, Fresh foods Iper, La grande i: Improving coding and consumer service with the GS1 DataBar Overcoming problems related to the traditional coding solution and offering a better service to end ... Pagination … 3 4 5 6 7 8 …