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Showing 151 results
7-Eleven Thailand boosts consumer safety and satisfaction with next generation barcodes
7-Eleven Thailand boosts consumer safety and satisfaction with next generation barcodes
2D barcodes are providing consumers in Thailand a better experience at their local 7-Eleven
Introducing serialisation at Johnson & Johnson Supply Chain
Introducing serialisation at Johnson & Johnson Supply Chain
Imagine trying to navigate a city with no addresses.
GS1 Australia Woolworths
Retail, Fresh foods
Woolworths Australia seeing multiple benefits from 2D barcodes
With more than 1,000 stores, Woolworths is the largest retailer in the Australia/New Zealand region,...
GS1 Digital Link helps deliver valuable e-leaflet information to healthcare providers and patients
GS1 Digital Link helps deliver valuable e-leaflet information to healthcare providers and ...
In November 2019, amendments were made by the Japanese government to the Pharmaceuticals and Medical...
National Children’s Hospital uses GS1 standards to improve efficiency in patient care
National Children’s Hospital uses GS1 standards to improve efficiency in patient care
The inventory the National Children’s Hospital were working with was identified in a variety of ways...
“Speaking in the same language to save time and increase efficiency and safety” - the standardisation of logistics in Chilean healthcare
“Speaking in the same language to save time and increase efficiency and safety” - the stan...
The main objective of Chilean Public Healthcare is to promote equity and quality in access to health...
CAISM and Cristália partner together for increased patient safety, improved processes and reduced costs
CAISM and Cristália partner together for increased patient safety, improved processes and ...
The Women’s Health Hospital – CAISM UNICAMP (CAISM) has always been concerned with the safety of pat...
Improving efficiency and safety through the automatic identification of medical devices at the University Clinical Centre, Gdańsk
Improving efficiency and safety through the automatic identification of medical devices at...
The University Clinical Centre (UCC) was founded by the Medical University of Gdańsk and is one of t...