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Showing 238 results
Improving efficiency and safety through the automatic identification of medical devices at the University Clinical Centre, Gdańsk
Improving efficiency and safety through the automatic identification of medical devices at...
The University Clinical Centre (UCC) was founded by the Medical University of Gdańsk and is one of t...
QUHOMAtrace: Unique combination of IoT and traceability data provides unparalleled upstream visibility for agri-food stakeholders
Retail, Fresh foods
QUHOMAtrace: Unique combination of IoT and traceability data provides unparalleled upstrea...
Farms, cooperatives and other agri-food businesses wanted to create a competitive advantage by meeti...
DineEquity® and McLane: Leaders in foodservice join together to drive traceability with quality data
Retail, Foodservice
DineEquity® and McLane: Leaders in foodservice join together to drive traceability with qu...
With more than 3,600 restaurants in 18 countries, DineEquity is one of the largest full-service rest...
CAISM and Cristália partner together for increased patient safety, improved processes and reduced costs
CAISM and Cristália partner together for increased patient safety, improved processes and ...
The Women’s Health Hospital – CAISM UNICAMP (CAISM) has always been concerned with the safety of pat...
Demonstrating the benefits of scanning UDI barcodes on the front lines
Demonstrating the benefits of scanning UDI barcodes on the front lines
The Veterans Affairs (VA) Medical Center in Miami, Florida, spent countless hours each week manually...
Leeds Teaching Hospitals takes huge savings in time and spends it on patient care
Leeds Teaching Hospitals takes huge savings in time and spends it on patient care
Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust (LTHT) is one of the largest in England with more than 2,000 beds...
Serum Institute of India: Implementing UNICEF guidelines for distribution of COVID vaccines
Serum Institute of India: Implementing UNICEF guidelines for distribution of COVID vaccine...
Supplying the world with COVID vaccines.
Market-leading brand protection and consumer engagement
Retail, Consumer packaged goods (CPG)
Market-leading brand protection and consumer engagement
Addressing counterfeit issues, providing true traceability.