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Showing 268 results
Medical device management using GS1 barcodes at Tokyo Yamate Medical Center
Medical device management using GS1 barcodes at Tokyo Yamate Medical Center
Medical device management was a manual process, medical staff checked the labels and made an entry e...
Teleflex harnesses strong partnerships for patient safety
Teleflex harnesses strong partnerships for patient safety
Teleflex needed to implement a data management solution to comply with the US Food and Drug Administ...
Demonstrating the benefits of scanning UDI barcodes on the front lines
Demonstrating the benefits of scanning UDI barcodes on the front lines
The Veterans Affairs (VA) Medical Center in Miami, Florida, spent countless hours each week manually...
ANMAT leading the way: A new contribution to the safety of drugs in Argentina
Healthcare, Public sector
ANMAT leading the way: A new contribution to the safety of drugs in Argentina
Traceability of medicines has been the object of a broad and fruitful evolution, resulting in Argent...
Johnson & Johnson Supply Chain: The evolution of pharmaceutical product traceability in China
Johnson & Johnson Supply Chain: The evolution of pharmaceutical product traceability in Ch...
Transitioning to a GS1 standards-based solution, while desirable, requires changing systems and proc...
Using GS1 standards and RFID technology is a win-win for Johnson & Johnson Supply Chain
Using GS1 standards and RFID technology is a win-win for Johnson & Johnson Supply Chain
RFID technology is not new, having been deployed in parts of the retail sector for the past 15 - 20 ...
Netcare: Investing in GS1 standards and quality product information for patient safety
Netcare: Investing in GS1 standards and quality product information for patient safety
As a leading healthcare provider in South Africa, Netcare is continually investing in ways to better...
Aché Laboratories successfully implements GS1 standards to ensure traceability
Aché Laboratories successfully implements GS1 standards to ensure traceability
Every company that is part of the healthcare supply chain prioritises offering its patients and cons...