Case studies Welcome to the central library for all GS1 case studies. Use search or filters to discover case studies related to specific topics such as benefit, industry, service, standard or location. Search Filter ResultsClear all filters Industry1 Retail Retail 1 Consumer packaged goods (CPG) Consumer packaged goods (CPG) Apparel Apparel Fresh foods Fresh foods General merchandise General merchandise Marketplaces Marketplaces Healthcare Healthcare Transport & Logistics Transport & Logistics Technical Industries Technical Industries Foodservice (-) Foodservice Public sector Public sector Region1 North America (-) North America Europe Europe Latin America Latin America Asia Pacific Asia Pacific Middle East and Africa Middle East and Africa Country No results foundUnited States United States Benefits Consumer engagement Consumer engagement Data quality Data quality Operational efficiency Operational efficiency Safety Safety Traceability Traceability Standards GTIN GTIN GLN GLN 1D barcodes 1D barcodes RFID RFID Services Verified by GS1 Verified by GS1 GDSN GDSN Type of organisation Retailer Retailer Manufacturer Manufacturer Healthcare provider Healthcare provider Solution provider Solution provider Distributor Distributor (-) Foodservice (-) North America Clear all filters Showing 9 results Retail, Consumer packaged goods (CPG), Foodservice Savory snack manufacturer optimises data exchange, thanks to more clearly categorised prod... Utz Quality Foods is the largest independent and privately held snack brand in the United States. Retail, Foodservice DineEquity® and McLane: Leaders in foodservice join together to drive traceability with qu... With more than 3,600 restaurants in 18 countries, DineEquity is one of the largest full-service rest... Dot Foods - National food redistributor uses quality data as expressway for growth Ben E. Keith Company – Southwest food distributor uses quality data to entrée of growth Independent Purchasing Cooperative achieves high data quality standards for the largest fa... GDSN Data Pools for Simplified UDI Compliance Uni Pro Foodservice: Large U.S. foodservice cooperative finds increasing cooperation on da... Shamrock Foods: Foodservice leader serves up quality data from pallet to palate Pagination 1 2