Case studies Welcome to the central library for all GS1 case studies. Use search or filters to discover case studies related to specific topics such as benefit, industry, service, standard or location. Search Industry Retail Marketplaces Healthcare Transport & Logistics Technical Industries Foodservice Public sector Region Asia Pacific (-) Europe Latin America North America Middle East and Africa Country Bulgaria Denmark Germany Ireland Netherlands Norway Spain Switzerland Turkey United Kingdom Benefits Data quality Inventory management Operational efficiency Regulatory compliance Sustainability Safety Traceability Transparency Standards GTIN GLN 1D barcodes 2D barcodes GS1 DataMatrix RFID EDI Services Verified by GS1 GDSN Type of organisation Retailer Manufacturer (-) Government Healthcare provider Solution provider Marketplace Logistics provider Wholesaler Distributor Small & Medium Enterprises (-) Europe (-) Government Clear all filters Showing 16 results Healthcare Optimising medicine management and reducing waste: a digitised approach for Danish healthc... The absence of a standardised tracking system in Central Denmark's hospitals had made it arduous for... Healthcare Scanning the horizon: the evolution of Scan4Safety in the NHS Six acute NHS demonstrator sites were funded through the GS1 and PEPPOL implementation programme tha... Transport & Logistics, Public sector Countering urban freight congestion and “last mile” delivery issues with the GS1 Smart Urb... The Straightsol project was comprised of seven innovative urban freight pilots to explore more effic... Healthcare Using Global Location Numbers for a unique identification system in Swiss healthcare The first objective was to revise Switzerland’s federal narcotic control system, which was fully pap... Healthcare Successful implementation of the Bulgarian Medicines Verification System Following the 2011 European Union Falsified Medicines Directive, the Bulgarian Medicines Verificatio... Retail, Foodservice, Public sector Turning food waste into an opportunity for MOs: the Dutch case The European Institutions have developed a strategy to fight against food waste in Europe in complia... “Coding for success” Automatic Identity and Data Capture programme within the National Hea... GS1 barcodes on medical devices reduces stock and enhances patient safety Pagination 1 2