How GS1 GDSN works
The GS1 Global Data Synchronisation Network (GS1 GDSN) is the world’s largest product data network.
With GS1 GDSN®, high-quality product content is uploaded, maintained and shared automatically, ensuring trading partners have immediate access to the most current and complete information needed to exchange products on both local and global markets.
Any company that needs to send or receive product information can take advantage of GS1 GDSN by subscribing to a data pool. Your data pool will enable you to set up your product content and synchronise it with all your trading partners, so you can plug in reliable data for all markets at one time.

1. Loading of company data
2. Registering of company data
3. Subscription to sellers’ data pool
4. Publishing of company data
5. Confirmation receipt of company data
GS1 GDSN and the GS1 Global Data Model
Your product content in the GS1 GDSN network will follow the GS1 Global Data Model standard, helping to create a seamless shopping experience across every channel.
The GS1 Global Data Model defines a globally consistent set of foundational product attributes needed to list, store, move and sell your products. By simplifying and harmonising the exchange of product data around the world, the GS1 Global Data Model increases operational efficiency for brand owners and retailers and improves data accuracy and completeness for consumers.