EANCOM® 2002 S3 Part II
FINSTA Financial statement of an account message
6. Examples

The following is an example of a Financial Statement message sent by the bank identified by the ISO bank identification code KREDBEBB to a message recipient identified by GLN 5422331123459.

The message, identified by the number 5851, which was generated on the 1st of August 2002, details an opening balance of 50000 Euros (EUR) and a closing balance of 63500 EUR. Movements on the account during the reporting period were a debit of 7000 EUR (beneficiary’s bank reference number 762-1223-21) and two credits which totalled 20500 EUR (cheque number 21665 value 14000 EUR, and credit card number 877-522413-112 value 6500 EUR).

UNH+ME00000001+FINSTA:D:01B:UN:EAN003' Message header
BGM+182+5851+9' Balance confirmation number 5851
DTM+137:20020801:102' Date of message 1st of August 2002
FII+MS++KREDBEBB:25:5' Message sender identified by ISO bank identification code KREDBEBB
NAD+MR+5422331123459::9' Message recipient identified by GLN 5422331123459
LIN+1' Start of level B
FII+HQ+994-9876511:ABC EXPRESS+KREDBEBB:25:5' Account owners bank and account number identification
RFF+YA6:AX-12232:1' Bank statement number is AX-12232
MOA+315:50000:EUR' Opening balance equals 50000 EUR
DTM+157:20020701:102' Opening balance date 1st of July 2002
MOA+343:63500:EUR' Closing balance equals 63500 EUR
DTM+157:20020731:102' Closing balance date 31st of July 2002
MOA+346:20500:EUR' Total credits equals 20500 EUR
MOA+347:-7000:EUR' Total debits equals 7000 EUR
SEQ+14+1' First occurance level C, reporting items to follow
RFF+AFS:762-1223-21' Beneficiary’s bank reference number 762-1223-21
DTM+179:20020710:102' Cheque booking date 10th of July 2002
BUS+1:GDS+IN’ The business reason : the purchase and sale of goods
MOA+XB5:-7000:EUR' Cheque booked amount equals -7000 EUR
SEQ+14+2' Second occurance level C, reporting items to follow
RFF+CK: 21665' Cheque number 21665
DTM+179:20020714:102' Cheque booking date 14th of July 2002
BUS+1:GDS+IN’ The business reason : the purchase and sale of goods
MOA+XB5:14000:EUR' Cheque booked amount equals 14000 EUR
SEQ+14+3' Third occurance level C, reporting items to follow
RFF+XA8: 877-522413-112' Credit Card number 877-522413-112
DTM+179:20020719:102' Cheque booking date 19th of July 2002
BUS+1:COS+IN’ The business reason : costs
MOA+AB5:6500:EUR' Cheque booked amount equals 6500 EUR
CNT+2:1’ One LIN segment in the message
CNT+35:3’ Three SEQ segments in the message
UNT+32+ME0000001' Total number of segments in the message equals 32

The EDI interchange will include the UNB..UNZ segments and, if applicable, the UNG..UNE segments. (See part 1 section 5.7).

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