A group of segments providing details of a single product. |
Function: |
To identify a line item and configuration. |
Application generated number of the item lines within the product data message. |
Action request/notification description code |
= |
Added |
= |
Deleted |
= |
Changed |
= |
No action |
= |
Not found |
1 = Addition - This code is used for adding new products or for providing information about existing products for the first time to a new trading partner. |
2 = Deletion - This code is used to delete a product from the partner's item file. In the case of deletion, only the LIN segment needs to be sent. |
3 = Change - This code is used to modify or add any information relevant to a product already known by the trading partner. Only the segments containing modified information need to be sent. All previously sent data in a modified segment must be provided. All occurrences (repetitions) of a modified segment must be provided (whether modified or not). |
4 = No Action - This code is used when the product information has already been sent to the trading partner. It is sent again for confirmation. |
10 = Not found - This code is used when the message responds to a previous PRODAT message. It is used to indicate that the GTIN included in the PRODAT could not be found on the product data base of the party receiving the PRODAT message. |
This composite is only used for the identification of GS1/UPC codes. If another coding structure is required, e.g. HIBC, this composite will not be used and the code will be detailed in the PIA segment. |
Item type identification code |
= |
GS1 Global Trade Item Number |
Code list identification code |
Code list responsible agency code |
Configuration level number |
Configuration operation code |
Segment Notes: |
This segment is used to identify the line item for which product data is being provided. If Global Trade Item Numbers are available it is mandatory to use GTIN within the LIN segment.
Note on DE 1082: Numbering rule: In Part I, section 4.10 there is the recommendation “Within EANCOM® it is recommended that the line numbers used in the first occurrence of data element 1082 in the LIN segment be sequential, starting at 1 for each new message.”
Note on DE 7140: Only the following significant digits are possible: - 8 digits for GTIN 8 codes - 12 digits for GTIN 12 codes - 13 digits for GTIN 13 codes - 14 digits for GTIN 14 codes
Example: LIN+1++5412345123453:SRV' |