UNH+ME000001+IFTMIN:D:01B:UN:EAN004' |
Message header |
BGM+610+569952+9' |
Transport instruction number |
DTM+137:20020301:102' |
Message date/time 1st March 2002 |
DTM+2:200203081100:203' |
Delivery date/time requested, 8th March 2002 at 11:00 |
CNT+11:1' |
Total number of packages 1 |
RFF+CU:TI1284' |
Consignor’s reference number TI1284 |
TDT+20++30+31' |
Details of transport, by truck |
DTM+133:200203051100:203' |
Estimated departure of truck 5th March 2002 at 11am |
LOC+9+5412345678908::9' |
Place of truck loading identified with GLN 5412345678908 |
NAD+CZ+5412345123453::9' |
Consignor identified with GLN 5412345123453 |
NAD+CA+5411234512309::9' |
Carrier identified with GLN 5411234512309 |
NAD+CN+5411234444402::9' |
Consignee identified with GLN 5411234444402 |
NAD+DP+5412345145660::9' |
Delivery party identified with GLN 5412345145660 |
GID+1+1:09::9+14:PK' |
First occurrence of goods in one returnable pallet with 14 packages |
HAN+EAT::9' |
The goods are foods stuffs |
TMP+2+000:CEL' |
Transport temperature 0 degrees Celsius |
RNG+5+CEL:-5:5' |
The range of temperature must be between -5 and 5 degrees Celsius |
MOA+44:45000:EUR' |
Declared valued of the carriage 45.000 EUR |
PIA+5+5410738377117:SRV' |
Product identification of the goods using GTIN 5410738377117 |
MEA+AAE+X7E+KGM:250’ |
Gross weight of returnable pallet plus 14 packages on the pallet is 250
Kilograms |
PCI+33E' |
Marked with the GS1 Serial Shipping Container Code |
GIN+BJ+354123450000000014’ |
Identification of marked serial shipping container code |
UNT+23+ME000001' |
Total number of segments in the message equals 23 |