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Attribute Definitions for Business

The GS1 Attribute Definitions for Business (ADB) provide additional clarity to existing technical standards. Business-friendly names, definitions, examples and usage statements simplify meaning and usage of standard attributes for business users and communities.

ADBs were created, by request from the Consumer Goods Forum, to support the business processes:

  • verify

  • list/order

  • move/store

  • sell product digitally and physically

While ADBs were originally created to provide clarity to the product attributes included in the GS1 Global Data Model (current including Food, Near Food, Pet Food, Alcoholic Beverages, and Tobacco), the Attribute Definitions for Business Standard has been created to support any sector and product attributes, beyond the ones in the GS1 Global Data Model.  To further champion the use of business-oriented terms in GS1 standards, all new Master Data attribute development from all sectors will include an Attribute Definition for Business.

The standard in Excel format makes sorting, searching and sharing easier. Additional support materials can be found in the Find out more section in the right.

Current Version

Attribute Definitions for Business Standard, 2.8 (Feb 2025)

Legacy Version

Attribute Definitions for Business Standard, 2.7 (Nov 2024)

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