Release 4.4, Ratified, Apr 2024
GS1 Product Image Specification Standard
establishes rules for the storage of digital images associated to products and provides details on all aspects of digital imaging storage
- 1.1 Images in this document
- 1.2 Determining the front face
- 1.3 Clipping paths
- 1.4 Differentiating Photographic Images from...
- 2.1 Photography recommendations
- 2.2 Product views
- 2.3 Editing recommendations
- 2.4 Multi-lingual images
- 3.1 Product Image (web) primary image
- 3.2 Product Image with Supporting Elements (...
- 3.3 Product Image (High Resolution)
- 3.4 Product Image with Supporting Elements (...
- 4.1 Mobile Ready Hero Image (MRHI)
- 4.2 Optimised Hero Images
- 4.3 Product Image 360°/3D
- 4.4 3D Rendered
- 5.1 Secondary images file sizes and formats
- 5.2 Content/Texture
- 5.3 Detail/Technology
- 5.4 Montage/Composition
- 5.5 Social Media
- 5.6 Application
- 5.7 Ambience/Mood
- 5.8 Size comparison
- 5.9 Nutritional Label
- 5.10 Ingredients
- 5.11 Nutritional/Ingredients combined
- 5.12 Marketing Content Code (QR Code)
- 5.13 Certification Seals/Claims
- 5.14 Preparation Instructions
- 5.15 Petfood Feeding Instructions/Ingredients
- 5.16 Safe Handling Instructions
- 5.17 Sidekick Images
- 5.18 Drug Fact Label
- 5.19 Supplement Fact Label
- 5.20 Lighting Fact Label
- 5.21 Sustainability
- 6.1 Planogram Image and Data Field Specifica...
- 6.2 Sample/Mock-up
- 6.3 Full Flat
- 6.4 Linear barcode
- 6.5 2D barcode
- 6.6 Pharmaceutical Drugs/Medical Devices
1 Introduction
This GS1 standard establishes rules for the storage of digital images associated to products. The product identification number used is the Global Trade Item Number (GTIN) and this document provides details on all aspects of digital imaging storage. This document does not specify how the images should be delivered via electronic commerce.
These standards focus on the highest quality and size of image which should be stored to enable any output format that may be requested internally or externally for various applications. There is no ‘one size fits all’ for images, but by having access to a larger more content rich base file, other formats may be derived.
It is important to note that digital assets (e.g., images) are only one part of what is needed. Data, both meta and associated, are essential for the timely and accurate usage of the assets. Additional information on minimum data requirements are outlined in the TIIG (Trade Item Implementation Guideline).
■ Image delivery is out of scope.
■ For more information on pharmaceuticals/over-the-counter pharmaceuticals, nutritional supplements and medical products refer to the GS1 Pharmaceutical Image Implementation Guideline :
□ Legal aspects must be considered. It is the responsibility of the brand owner that any image meets local legal requirements. Refer to local government bodies and MOs for additional details.
1.1 Images in this document
1.2 Determining the front face
1.3 Clipping paths
1.4 Differentiating Photographic Images from Rendered Images
Many of the images in this document have been provided courtesy of GS1 Canada, SGK & Syndigo They show fictitious products and have been created specifically to illustrate this standard.
All product images are important, so too the exchange of information between trading partners. To ensure what is identified meets what is expected, an agreed upon identification structure is required. The first step is the determination of the front face of an item.
1.2.1 Default front face
The front facing of the products is determined by the GS1 Package and Product Measurement Standard on determining the default front. All other facings are taken in relation to the front face and are identified with a numerical extension identifying that face. Merchandisable facings are automatically captured as the numerical extension allows multiple images (and facings) for the same GTIN.
A clipping path is a closed vector path or shape used to cut out a subject or element of a 2D image in an image editing software. Anything inside the clipping path can be kept and the elements outside of the clipping path can be removed if desired. This means that the original background of the product image can be removed and then the object can be positioned in front of any desired background.
Note: CGI (Computer Generated Imagery) programs allow for files to be rendered/saved with transparent backgrounds, making applying a clipping path redundant.
Note: The TIFF files can be saved with transparent background, to avoid creation the clipping path in an image editing software, the action of removal of the background would be possible with the opened layer on subject. However, its strongly recommended adding the clipping path and flatten images with a white background to help manage image size for storage and delivery.
The differentiation of images as to their being photographic or rendered in nature is somewhat subjective and while it can be reasonably argued that a photographic image once digitally stored and retouched ceases to be photographic; striking a balance between the two becomes necessary when identical product images exist in a single system as both photographic and rendered particularly when the associative nomenclature within the existing guidance calls for both files to be identically named. When this occurs there must be a definitive process in order to determine the difference between the two when both are expected to exist simultaneously in the same environment.
1.4.1 Photographic images
Photographic image: the result of the electronic or chemical capture of a likeness of a physical object with the use of a camera.
Photographic images may become digitised, stored in a digital format or can be immediately stored in a digital format directly from within the camera itself. Where photographic images were retouched physically even colourised, this process can take place with a photographic image within specialised software. While these images may reside and may have been altered in a digital environment, they were at one time a physical capture of object and light as captured by a camera with a photographer and should be considered ‘photographic images’.
1.4.2 Rendered images
Rendered image: the result of the creation of a digital likeness of a physical object with the use of a computer and software.
Rendered images often do not begin with a photographic device. While rendered images do have the traits necessary to be physically transferred to paper or film, they often reside forever within a digital environment, viewed only by way of a projection device such as a monitor, phone or projector. Where photographic images were once retouched physically, similar processes for rendered images take place almost entirely within specialised software. While a rendered image may contain (data) once contained by a ‘photograph’ once the image is digitised, edited, scaled, coloured, lit and posed within a digital composition, it becomes a rendered image, which is not to say that a photograph retouched with specialised software does not remain photographic, that distinction is left to the brand owner.
1.4.3 Differentiation of images
While arguments can certainly be made as to the nature of images, be they photographic or rendered; given the preceding paragraphs and considering that even rendered images may contain information (data) once contained by a ‘photograph’; discernment or differentiation between photographic and rendered images is at the discretion of the brand owner, in other words, identifying an image as being photographic or rendered when one or the other exists is optional. Differentiation between photographic and rendered images becomes recommended, though not required, when they both exist in the same file system when the file system is the brand owners or shared between Trading Partners.
1.4.4 Image Differentiation Decision Tree
2 Technical recommendations
2.1 Photography recommendations
2.2 Product views
2.3 Editing recommendations
2.4 Multi-lingual images
Professional equipment optimises results:
■ The preferred equipment is a DSLR camera equipped with full frame CCD sensor (avoid Point and shoot and smart phone cameras).
■ Product packaging should be framed using 80% of the sensor.
■ The image should be captured with appropriate lens to avoid wide angle distortion.
■ The lens aperture should be set to deliver a large depth of field so that the whole product is sharp.
■ Controlled white balance, no colour casts.
■ The lighting of product should be uniform when the image is taken.
■ Contrast and exposure should be balanced over-all; avoid high contrast effects.
■ Reflections should be realistic without looking “blown-out” in highlights hiding product information.
■ Image should not be over sharpened in the (digital) image processing.
■ All instance or batch specific data SHOULD be removed, or replaced with a placeholder null value, from the image (e.g., best before date, serial number, etc.).
Decisions as to whether products should be photographed in the package, out of package, or both, should be made based on the presentation of the product in a live sale scenario (i.e., box of cereal on a shelf vs. a lawnmower on display). If there are doubts as to which state is most appropriate to best represent the product, both should be taken and appropriately identified. This decision should be taken with the data provider.
15°Elevation (3D images)
■ All products should have 3 separate views when warranted per marketable face – language
■ Centre front view taken at 15° top elevation is preferred
■ Left and right 15° rotation views when warranted 0°Elevation (2D images) and other exception
■ Some products my require a steeper or shallower angle to display effectively. For images of products with negligible depth properties, a 0-degree plunge angle is best. (i.e., blister packs)
■ No colour casts. Colour should be as rich, vibrant and eye-catching as possible.
■ Contrast should be balanced over-all and not “blown-out” in highlights.
■ Reflections & shadows areas on the product should put emphases to details/shape without hiding text or logos.
■ Retouching should be as seamless and undetectable as possible and be convincing at a minimum of 100% magnification (i.e., removal of expiration/best before dates.
■ Clipping path should be close centred on the edge of the subject.
■ Subject should be centred in Margins to cover 95% on the canvas.
■ Graphic rendering of a packaging should be realistic.
■ No layers, guides or rulers should be left on the images.
■ Background should be white (RGB 255,255,255) or transparent.
■ No signatures, “finger printing” or visible watermarks. No compression artifacts. No interpolation (“resizing up”).
■ No transfer functions or postscript colour management.
If your image set is multi-lingual then the language indicator should be used in the image file name where the instructions are available in multiple languages or bi or multi-lingual images, this is not necessary.
3 Primary Images
Primary Images are images which can, on their own, represent the product in an e-commerce application, these include Product Image (web & High resolution) with or without supporting elements.
3.1 Product Image (web) primary image
3.2 Product Image with Supporting Elements (web)
3.3 Product Image (High Resolution)
3.4 Product Image with Supporting Elements (High Resolution)
Note: Marketing Images applies to both digital images captured through use of a digital camera or other digital imaging devices as well as rendered images.
Note: Rendered images are computer generated images which can be comprised of graphic renderings and/or digital images to create a lifelike product semblance.
Product Image (Single GTIN): which is an image of a product on a white or transparent background, with no other elements in the frame.
3.1.1 File format
Storage: LZW Compressed TIFF
3.1.2 File size
900x900 – 2400x2400 pixels
0 - Not applicable
1 - Front
2 - Left
3 - Top
7 - Back
8 - Right
9 - Bottom
3.1.4 Backgrounds and clipping path
Clipping path is recommended; background should be removed to white (RGB 255/255/255).
For images saved with a transparent background (e.g., TIFF), clipping path is optional (see section 1.3).
3.1.5 File Naming
A filename (or file name) is a name used to uniquely identify a computer file stored in a file system. Different file systems impose different restrictions on filename lengths and the allowed characters within filenames.
The components required to identify a file varies across operating systems, as does the syntax and format for a valid filename.
For the purposes of this document, the filename discussion shall focus on the base name of the file excluding the file format/extension. File format/extensions should only be added by the software generating or modifying the file to minimise the chances of rendering the file unreadable.
Position 1-19 are mandatory for the Product Image type
Position | 1-14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 |
Data | GTIN | underscore | Image Type | Facing | Orientation | State |
value | (n14) | _ | A - Primary Image Web | 0 - Not applicable | C - Centre | (1) In packaging |
| 1 - Front | L - Left | (0) Out of packaging |
| 2 - Left | R - Right | (A) Case |
| 3 - Top | N - No plunge angle | (B) Innerpack |
| 7 - Back |
| (C) Raw/uncooked considered edible/consumable. |
| 8 - Right |
| (D) Prepared |
| 9 - Bottom |
| (M) Open Case |
| (P) Pallet/Display |
Position | 20 | 21+ |
Data | underscore | Language | Image End Date | Serialisation | Rendered Image | CPV |
Value | _ | (a2) or (a2-A2) | (MMYY) | s(n2) | R | CPV(an…20) |
Position 20+ are optional components, each must be preceded by an underscore ’_’
Examples of product naming:
There will be instances where photography, other than “product” photography will be needed. Situations may arise where product shots are needed at a size or resolution that exceeds the identified standards. In these cases, it will be up to the customer to either originate the photography themselves or work out arrangements with the vendor to supply said photography on an “as needed” basis. ALL supplied photography should conform to the guidelines listed below.
Note: Marketing Images applies to both digital images captured through use of a digital camera or other digital imaging devices as well as rendered images.
Note: Rendered images are computer generated images which can be comprised of graphic renderings and/or digital images to create a lifelike product semblance.
Product Image with Supporting Elements in Image: which is an image of a product on a white or transparent background, with additional elements that are not including when selling the product. The additional elements are to strengthen the product, not to create a ‘Beauty shot’ also referred to as a staged shot. It should incorporate additional items which enhance the product, (e.g., a glass of wine and stem of grapes with a bottle of wine (GTIN); fresh vegetables surrounding a bottled sauce (GTIN); a cooked and plated version of the product being sold in the same frame as the item, etc.)
3.2.1 File format
Storage: LZW Compressed TIFF
3.2.2 File size
900x900 – 2400x2400 pixels
0 - Not applicable
1 - Front
2 - Left
3 - Top
7 - Back
8 - Right
9 - Bottom
3.2.4 Backgrounds and clipping path
Clipping path is recommended; background should be removed to white (RGB 255/255/255).
For images saved with a transparent background (e.g., TIFF), clipping path is optional see section 1.3).
3.2.5 File Naming
A filename (or file name) is a name used to uniquely identify a computer file stored in a file system. Different file systems impose different restrictions on filename lengths and the allowed characters within filenames.
The components required to identify a file varies across operating systems, as does the syntax and format for a valid filename.
For the purposes of this document, the filename discussion shall focus on the base name of the file excluding the file format/extension. File format/extensions should only be added by the software generating or modifying the file to minimise the chances of rendering the file unreadable.
Position 1-19 are mandatory for the Product Image type
Position | 1-14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 |
Data | GTIN | underscore | Image Type | Facing | Orientation | State |
value | (n14) | _ | B - Primary Image Web w/ supporting elements. | 0 - Not applicable | C - Centre | (1) In packaging |
| 1 - Front | L - Left | (0) Out of packaging |
| 2 - Left | R - Right | (A) Case |
| 3 - Top | N - No plunge angle | (B) Innerpack |
| 7 - Back |
| (C) Raw/uncooked considered edible/consumable. |
| 8 - Right |
| (D) Prepared |
| (E) Plated |
| (F) Styled |
| (G) Staged |
| (H) Held |
| (J) Worn |
| (K) Used |
| (L) Family |
| 9 - Bottom |
| (M) Open Case |
| (P) Pallet/Display |
| (Q) Formed |
Position | 20 | 21+ |
Data | underscore | Language | Image End Date | Serialisation | Rendered Image | CPV |
Value | _ | (a2) or (a2-A2) | (MMYY) | s(n2) | R | CPV(an…20) |
Position 20+ are optional components, each must be preceded by an underscore ’_’
Examples of product naming:
There will be instances where photography, other than “product” photography will be needed. Situations may arise where product shots are needed at a size or resolution that exceeds the identified standards. In these cases, it will be up to the customer to either originate the photography themselves or work out arrangements with the vendor to supply said photography on an “as needed” basis. ALL supplied photography should conform to the guidelines listed below.
Note: Marketing Images applies to both digital images captured through use of a digital camera or other digital imaging devices as well as rendered images.
Note: Rendered images are computer generated images which can be comprised of graphic renderings and/or digital images to create a lifelike product semblance.
Product Image (Single GTIN): which is an image of a product on a white or transparent background, with no other elements in the frame.
3.3.1 File format
Storage: LZW Compressed TIFF
3.3.2 File size
2401x2401 – 4800x4800 pixels
0 - Not applicable
1 - Front
2 - Left
3 - Top
7 - Back
8 - Right
9 - Bottom
3.3.4 Backgrounds and clipping path
Clipping path is recommended; background should be removed to white (RGB 255/255/255).
For images saved with a transparent background (e.g., TIFF), clipping path is optional (see section 1.3).
3.3.5 File Naming
A filename (or file name) is a name used to uniquely identify a computer file stored in a file system. Different file systems impose different restrictions on filename lengths and the allowed characters within filenames.
The components required to identify a file varies across operating systems, as does the syntax and format for a valid filename.
For the purposes of this document, the filename discussion shall focus on the base name of the file excluding the file format/extension. File format/extensions should only be added by the software generating or modifying the file to minimise the chances of rendering the file unreadable.
Position 1-19 are mandatory for the Product Image type
1-14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | |
Data | GTIN | underscore | Image Type | Facing | Orientation | State |
value | (n14) | _ | C - Primary Image High Resolution | 0 - Not applicable | C - Centre | (1) In packaging |
| 1 - Front | L - Left | (0) Out of packaging |
| 2 - Left | R - Right | (A) Case |
| 3 - Top | N - No plunge angle | (B) Innerpack |
| 7 - Back |
| (C) Raw/uncooked considered edible/consumable. |
| 8 - Right |
| (D) Prepared |
| 9 - Bottom |
| (M) Open Case |
| (P) Pallet/Display |
Position | 20 | 21+ |
Data | underscore | Language | Image End Date | Serialisation | Rendered Image | CPV |
Value | _ | (a2) or (a2-A2) | (MMYY) | s(n2) | R | CPV(an…20) |
Position 20+ are optional components, each must be preceded by an underscore ’_’
Examples of product naming:
There will be instances where photography, other than “product” photography will be needed. Situations may arise where product shots are needed at a size or resolution that exceeds the identified standards. In these cases, it will be up to the customer to either originate the photography themselves or work out arrangements with the vendor to supply said photography on an “as needed” basis. ALL supplied photography should conform to the guidelines listed below.
Note: Marketing Images applies to both digital images captured through use of a digital camera or other digital imaging devices as well as rendered images.
Note: Rendered images are computer generated images which can be comprised of graphic renderings and/or digital images to create a lifelike product semblance.
Product Image with Supporting Elements in Image: which is an image of a product on a white or transparent background, with additional elements that are not including when selling the product. The additional elements are to strengthen the product, not to create a ‘Beauty shot’ also referred to as a staged shot. It should incorporate additional items which enhance the product, (e.g., a glass of wine and stem of grapes with a bottle of wine (GTIN); fresh vegetables surrounding a bottled sauce (GTIN); a cooked and plated version of the product being sold in the same frame as the item, etc.)
3.4.1 File format
Storage: LZW Compressed TIFF
3.4.2 File size
2401 x 2401 – 4800 x 4800 pixels
0 - Not applicable
1 - Front
2 - Left
3 - Top
7 - Back
8 - Right
9 - Bottom
3.4.4 Backgrounds and clipping path
Clipping path is recommended; background should be removed to white (RGB 255/255/255).
For images saved with a transparent background (e.g., TIFF), clipping path is optional (see section 1.3).
3.4.5 File Naming
A filename (or file name) is a name used to uniquely identify a computer file stored in a file system. Different file systems impose different restrictions on filename lengths and the allowed characters within filenames.
The components required to identify a file varies across operating systems, as does the syntax and format for a valid filename.
For the purposes of this document, the filename discussion shall focus on the base name of the file excluding the file format/extension. File format/extensions should only be added by the software generating or modifying the file to minimise the chances of rendering the file unreadable.
Position 1-19 are mandatory for the Product Image type
1-14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | |
Data | GTIN | underscore | Image Type | Facing | Orientation | State |
value | (n14) | _ | D - Primary Image High resolution w/ supporting elements. | 0 - Not applicable | C - Centre | (1) In packaging |
| 1 - Front | L - Left | (0) Out of packaging |
| 2 - Left | R - Right | (A) Case |
| 3 - Top | N - No plunge angle | (B) Innerpack |
| 7 - Back |
| (C) Raw/uncooked considered edible/consumable. |
| 8 - Right |
| (D) Prepared |
| (E) Plated |
| (F) Styled |
| (G) Staged |
| (H) Held |
| (J) Worn |
| (K) Used |
| (L) Family |
| 9 - Bottom |
| (M) Open Case |
| (P) Pallet/Display |
| (Q) Formed |
Position | 20 | 21+ |
Data | underscore | Language | Image End Date | Serialisation | Rendered Image | CPV |
Value | _ | (a2) or (a2-A2) | (MMYY) | s(n2) | R | CPV(an…20) |
Position 20 and beyond are optional, each component must be preceded by an underscore ’_’
Examples of product naming:
4 Optimised Images
4.1 Mobile Ready Hero Image (MRHI)
4.2 Optimised Hero Images
4.3 Product Image 360°/3D
4.4 3D Rendered
This image type addresses issues concerning the presentation of products in online retail environments on small screens, typically alongside ‘add to basket’ functions. The factors of screen size and limited attention span augment many of the problems already faced in desktop-centric online retail environments and can easily lead to a poor consumer experience. See GS1 Mobile Ready Hero Images Guideline.
Mobile Ready Hero Images are a rendering of the real product image that differs from a standard pack shot (front face image of the product) to maintain the physical pack’s key elements: who is the Brand; what is the product; which variety is represented and; how much.
4.1.1 File format
Storage: JPG/PNG
4.1.2 File size
600 x 600 (minimum) pixels
1 - Front
4.1.4 Backgrounds and cropping
Background should be removed to white (RGB 255/255/255) if applicable.
4.1.5 File Naming
A filename (or file name) is a name used to uniquely identify a computer file stored in a file system. Different file systems impose different restrictions on filename lengths and the allowed characters within filenames.
The components required to identify a file varies across operating systems, as does the syntax and format for a valid filename.
For the purposes of this document, the filename discussion shall focus on the base name of the file excluding the file format/extension. File format/extensions should only be added by the software generating or modifying the file to minimise the chances of rendering the file unreadable.
Position 1-19 are mandatory for the Mobile Ready Hero Image type
Position | 1-14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 |
Data | GTIN | underscore | Image Type | Facing | Orientation | State |
value | (n14) | _ | H - MRHI | 1 - Front | C - Centre | (1) In packaging |
| L - Left | (0) Out of packaging | |
| R - Right |
| |
| N - No plunge angle |
Position | 20 | 21+ |
Data | underscore | Language | Image End Date | Serialisation | Rendered Image | CPV |
Value | _ | (a2) or (a2-A2) | (MMYY) | s(n2) | R | CPV(an…20) |
Position 20 and beyond are optional, each component must be preceded by an underscore ’_’
Examples of product naming:
This image type is to support retail, consumers, distributors and foodservice operators in completing their online sites. These images will assist consumers to identify specific information about the products they are purchasing.
Optimised Hero Images objective is to provide consumers specific/additional information about the product (e.g., an image of a chicken breast stuffed with cheese and ham with the filling highlighted or represented on the side the sliced chicken to assist the consumer in that specific element).
4.2.1 File format
4.2.2 File size
300x300 - 4200x4200 pixels
0 - Not applicable
1 - Front
2 - Left
3 - Top
7 - Back
8 - Right
9 - Bottom
4.2.4 Backgrounds and cropping
Background should be removed to white (RGB 255/255/255) if applicable.
4.2.5 File Naming
A filename (or file name) is a name used to uniquely identify a computer file stored in a file system. Different file systems impose different restrictions on filename lengths and the allowed characters within filenames.
The components required to identify a file varies across operating systems, as does the syntax and format for a valid filename.
For the purposes of this document, the filename discussion shall focus on the base name of the file excluding the file format/extension. File format/extensions should only be added by the software generating or modifying the file to minimise the chances of rendering the file unreadable.
Position 1-19 are mandatory for the Optimised Hero Image type
Position | 1-14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 |
Data | GTIN | underscore | Image Type | Facing | Orientation | State |
value | (n14) | _ | U - Optimised Hero | 0 - Not applicable | C - Centre | (1) In packaging |
| 1 - Front | L - Left | (0) Out of packaging |
| 2 - Left | R - Right | (A) Case |
| 3 - Top | N - No plunge angle | (B) Innerpack |
| 7 - Back |
| (C) Raw/uncooked considered edible/consumable. |
| 8 - Right |
| (D) Prepared |
| (E) Plated |
| (F) Styled |
| (G) Staged |
| (H) Held |
| (J) Worn |
| (K) Used |
| (L) Family |
| 9 - Bottom |
| (M) Open Case |
| (P) Pallet/Display |
| (Q) Formed |
Position | 20 | 21+ |
Data | Underscore | Language | Image End Date | Serialisation | Rendered Image | CPV |
Value | _ | (a2) or (a2-A2) | (MMYY) | s(n2) | R | CPV(an…20) |
Position 20 and beyond are optional, each component must be preceded by an underscore ’_’
Examples of product naming:
360° degree imaging is product photography on a single axis – the product rotates on a single axis while the camera takes pictures at specified degree intervals. All images should be captured with the same plunge angle to ensure a smooth 360 result.
3D imaging is multiple 360° image series, with different plunge angles or rotational axes. These images series, or orbits, are then compiled in software to allow a left-right and up-down motion for product display and interaction.
4.3.1 File format
4.3.2 File size
400x400 (minimum) pixels
4.3.3 Backgrounds and cropping
Clipping path is optional
White Background recommended
4.3.4 Number of images
Minimum of 24 images (Maximum 360)
Note: Larger items would benefit from an increased number of images to ensure a fluidity of motion. Industry applications should be considered for total image count.
4.3.5 Direction of rotation
The direction of rotation for image capture should be Clockwise.
Direction is determined from observing the sequence of images of the item from a centre top vantage point, looking down upon the object.
4.3.6 Plunge angle indicator
The 19-21st characters in the naming are ‘R’ and a two-digit numeric plunge angle respectively. The plunge angle is measured from horizontal, with 0* placing the camera horizontally aligned with the product and 90* placing the camera perpendicular to the front face of the item.
4.3.7 Image sequence (Arc position)
The image sequence should be identified in the image name, or associated data, and should follow the stitching sequence used to complete the 360° pattern or mapping.
4.3.8 File naming
A filename (or file name) is a name used to uniquely identify a computer file stored in a file system. Different file systems impose different restrictions on filename lengths and the allowed characters within filenames.
The components required to identify a file varies across operating systems, as does the syntax and format for a valid filename.
For the purposes of this document, the filename discussion shall focus on the base name of the file excluding the file format/extension. File format/extensions should only be added by the software generating or modifying the file to minimize the chances of rendering the file unreadable.
The naming convention for these images should be the following, where “R” is the Row and “C” is the column. The Row relates to the Plunge angle and the Column relates to the position in the arc around the item.
Example: 09520123456764_E1_R01_C01
□ 18th - _ (underscore)
□ 19th – R (Plunge Angle Indicator)
□ 20th-21st - 2-digit Row number
□ 22nd - _ (underscore)
□ 23rd – C (Arc Position Indicator)
□ 24th-25th - 2-digit Column Number
Position | 1-14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20-21 | 22 | 23 | 24-25 |
Data | GTIN | Under score | Image Type | Facing | Under score | Row (plunge) | Row number | Under score | Arc Pos. | Arc Value |
value | (n14) | _ | E - 360°/3D | 0 - Not applicable | _ | R | 00-90 | _ | C | 01-24 |
| 1 - Front |
| 2 - Left |
| 3 - Top |
| 7 - Back |
| 8 - Right |
| 9 - Bottom |
26 | 27+ |
| |
Data | Underscore | Serialisation | CPV |
Value | _ | s(n2) | CPV(an…20) |
Position 26 and beyond are optional, each component must be preceded by an underscore ’_’
Examples of product naming:
3D rendered models, or Digital Twins, are digital constructs which can be inserted into video files, or from which product still shots can be extracted. These are standalone files, rather than digital images.
4.4.1 File naming
A filename (or file name) is a name used to uniquely identify a computer file stored in a file system. Different file systems impose different restrictions on filename lengths and the allowed characters within filenames.
The components required to identify a file varies across operating systems, as does the syntax and format for a valid filename.
For the purposes of this document, the filename discussion shall focus on the base name of the file excluding the file format/extension. File format/extensions should only be added by the software generating or modifying the file to minimize the chances of rendering the file unreadable.
Position 1-16 are mandatory for the 3D Rendered file type.
GDTI Is recommended for the elements within the file.
Position | 1-14 | 15 | 16 |
Data | GTIN | Under score | Image Type |
value | (n14) | _ | 3DR |
Position | 20 | 21+ |
Data | Underscore | Language | Image End Date | Serialisation | CPV |
Value | _ | (a2) or (a2-A2) | (MMYY) | s(n2) | CPV(an…20) |
5 Secondary Images
Secondary Images, unlike the Primary Images, do not necessary include the product, or product packaging, itself in the image. These images provide additional information to help make a purchase decision.
5.1 Secondary images file sizes and formats
5.2 Content/Texture
5.3 Detail/Technology
5.4 Montage/Composition
5.5 Social Media
5.6 Application
5.7 Ambience/Mood
5.8 Size comparison
5.9 Nutritional Label
5.10 Ingredients
5.11 Nutritional/Ingredients combined
5.12 Marketing Content Code (QR Code)
5.13 Certification Seals/Claims
5.14 Preparation Instructions
5.15 Petfood Feeding Instructions/Ingredients
5.16 Safe Handling Instructions
5.17 Sidekick Images
5.18 Drug Fact Label
5.19 Supplement Fact Label
5.20 Lighting Fact Label
5.21 Sustainability
Image Type | File Size (Legacy version) | File Size (Current version) | File Format (Legacy version) | File Format (Current version) | |
T | 300 X 300 - 4800 X 4800 pixels | 600 X 600 pixels - 4800 X 4800 pixels | Any (Storage: LZW Compressed TIFF; JPG; PNG; GIF) | Any | |
F | 300 X 300 - 4800 X 4800 pixels | 600 X 600 pixels - 4800 X 4800 pixels | Any (Storage: LZW Compressed TIFF; JPG; PNG; GIF) | Any | |
M | 900 X 900 - 2400 X 2400 pixels | 600 X 600 pixels - 4800 X 4800 pixels | LZW Compressed TIFF | Any | |
N | 300 X 300 - 4800 X 4800 pixels | 600 X 600 pixels - 4800 X 4800 pixels | Any (Storage: LZW Compressed TIFF; JPG; PNG; GIF) | Any | |
R | 300 X 300 - 4800 X 4800 pixels | 600 X 600 pixels - 4800 X 4800 pixels | Any (Storage: LZW Compressed TIFF; JPG; PNG; GIF) | Any | |
Q | 300 X 300 - 4800 X 4800 pixels | 600 X 600 pixels - 4800 X 4800 pixels | Any (Storage: LZW Compressed TIFF; JPG; PNG; GIF) | Any | |
L2 | 600 X 600 (minimum) pixels | 600 X 600 pixels - 4800 X 4800 pixels | Storage: LZW Compressed TIFF/JPG | Any | |
L4 | 600 X 600 (minimum) pixels | 600 X 600 pixels - 4800 X 4800 pixels | Storage: LZW Compressed TIFF/JPG | Any | |
L5 | 600 X 600 (minimum) pixels | 600 X 600 pixels - 4800 X 4800 pixels | Storage: LZW Compressed TIFF/JPG | Any | |
L7 | 600 X 600 (minimum) pixels | 600 X 600 pixels - 4800 X 4800 pixels | Storage: LZW Compressed TIFF/JPG | Any | |
L8 | 600 X 600 (minimum) pixels | 600 X 600 pixels - 4800 X 4800 pixels | Storage: LZW Compressed TIFF/JPG | Any | |
L9 | 600 X 600 (minimum) pixels | 600 X 600 pixels - 4800 X 4800 pixels | Storage: LZW Compressed TIFF/JPG | Any | |
L10 | 600 X 600 (minimum) pixels | 600 X 600 pixels - 4800 X 4800 pixels | Storage: LZW Compressed TIFF/JPG | Any | |
L11 | n/a | 600 X 600 pixels - 4800 X 4800 pixels | n/a | Any | |
L12 | n/a | 600 X 600 pixels - 4800 X 4800 pixels | n/a | Any | |
L13 | n/a | 600 X 600 pixels - 4800 X 4800 pixels | n/a | Any | |
S | 300 X 300 - 4200 X 4200 pixels | 600 X 600 pixels - 4800 X 4800 pixels | Any (JPG/PNG/GIF recommended) | Any | |
J | 300 X 300 - 4200 X 4200 pixels | 600 X 600 pixels - 4800 X 4800 pixels | Any (JPG/PNG/GIF recommended) | Any |
Note: The current version of images file size and format should be used for all new images, but legacy images file size and format stored before the end of March 2023 can retain their original resolution.
For storage, images should be saved with high quality and best practice is not to enlarge the image size.
The ‘content/texture’ image type shows images that depict the content or texture of a product. The image should be designed in such a way that the texture can be experienced by the end user similarly to in stationary retail, e.g., creme, lipstick.
5.2.1 File format & size
See section 5.1, Secondary images file sizes and formats
5.2.2 Backgrounds and cropping
Clipping path is optional; background may be removed to white (RGB 255/255/255)
5.2.3 File naming
A filename (or file name) is a name used to uniquely identify a computer file stored in a file system. Different file systems impose different restrictions on filename lengths and the allowed characters within filenames.
The components required to identify a file varies across operating systems, as does the syntax and format for a valid filename.
For the purposes of this document, the filename discussion shall focus on the base name of the file excluding the file format/extension. File format/extensions should only be added by the software generating or modifying the file to minimize the chances of rendering the file unreadable.
Position 1-16 are mandatory for the Content/Texture Image type.
Position | 1-14 | 15 | 16 |
Data | GTIN | Under score | Image Type |
value | (n14) | _ | T - Content/Texture |
Position | 17 | 18+ |
Data | underscore | Language | Image End Date | Serialisation | Rendered Image | CPV |
Value | _ | (a2) or (a2-A2) | (MMYY) | s(n2) | R | CPV(an…20) |
Position 17 and beyond are optional, each component must be preceded by an underscore ’_’.
Examples of product naming:
A Detail (Technology) image is a photo, line art or other graphic representation of a specific product feature or characteristic. It is used to highlight that specific detail of an item. This type of image includes variations such as an image to reveal the internal components, layers, or structures of an object (cut-away), details of the inside of a trade item, or a representation of a portion of a trade item.
5.3.1 File format & size
See section 5.1, Secondary images file sizes and formats
5.3.2 Backgrounds and cropping
Clipping path is optional; background may be removed to white (RGB 255/255/255)
5.3.3 File naming
A filename (or file name) is a name used to uniquely identify a computer file stored in a file system. Different file systems impose different restrictions on filename lengths and the allowed characters within filenames.
The components required to identify a file varies across operating systems, as does the syntax and format for a valid filename.
For the purposes of this document, the filename discussion shall focus on the base name of the file excluding the file format/extension. File format/extensions should only be added by the software generating or modifying the file to minimize the chances of rendering the file unreadable.
Position 1-16 are mandatory for the Detail/Technology Image type.
Position | 1-14 | 15 | 16 |
Data | GTIN | Under score | Image Type |
value | (n14) | _ | F - Detail/Technology |
17 | 18+ |
| |
Data | underscore | Language | Image End Date | Serialisation | Rendered Image | CPV |
Value | _ | (a2) or (a2-A2) | (MMYY) | s(n2) | R | CPV(an…20) |
Position 17 and beyond are optional, each component must be preceded by an underscore ’_’
Examples of product naming:
A Montage (composite) image is a composition of distinct elements included the packaging. These are images of all the components of the product, and should only contain contents of the packaging that are included when selling the product. This image gives additional information regarding the components of the product to help consumers in their purchasing decisions.
Examples of Montages image type include:
Image with all the components of a garden tool set with all the elements included in the kit.
Image showing outer packaging (primary image) with the element included in the packaging in front of it.
5.4.1 File format & size
See section 5.1, Secondary images file sizes and formats
5.4.2 Backgrounds and cropping
Clipping path is recommended; background should be removed to white (RGB 255/255/255)
5.4.3 File naming
A filename (or file name) is a name used to uniquely identify a computer file stored in a file system. Different file systems impose different restrictions on filename lengths and the allowed characters within filenames.
The components required to identify a file varies across operating systems, as does the syntax and format for a valid filename.
For the purposes of this document, the filename discussion shall focus on the base name of the file excluding the file format/extension. File format/extensions should only be added by the software generating or modifying the file to minimize the chances of rendering the file unreadable.
Position 1-16 are mandatory for the Montage/Composition Image type.
Position | 1-14 | 15 | 16 | 17 |
GTIN | underscore | Image Type | Facing | |
value | (n14) | _ | M - Montage/Composition | 1 - Front |
| 2 - Left |
| 3 - Top |
| 7 - Back |
| 8 - Right |
| 9 - Bottom |
Note: The orientation should be based on the primary image.
Position | 18 | 19+ |
| |
Data | underscore | Language | Serialisation | CPV |
Value | _ | (a2) or (a2-A2) | s(n2) | CPV(an…20) |
Position 18 and beyond are optional, each component must be preceded by an underscore ’_’
Examples of product naming:
| | | | |
9520123456788_M1_s02.jpg | 9520123456788_M1_s03.jpg | 9520123456788_M1_s04.jpg | 9520123456788_M1_s05.jpg | 9520123456788_M1_s06.jpg |
Prior to 2023, this standard included the image type “Social Media” defined as: The ‘social media’ image type shows assets with media content. The Value “K” can continue to be used for legacy images in position 16.
5.6.1 File format & size
See section 5.1, Secondary images file sizes and formats
5.6.2 Backgrounds and cropping
Clipping path is optional; background may be removed to white (RGB 255/255/255)
5.6.3 File naming
A filename (or file name) is a name used to uniquely identify a computer file stored in a file system. Different file systems impose different restrictions on filename lengths and the allowed characters within filenames.
The components required to identify a file varies across operating systems, as does the syntax and format for a valid filename.
For the purposes of this document, the filename discussion shall focus on the base name of the file excluding the file format/extension. File format/extensions should only be added by the software generating or modifying the file to minimise the chances of rendering the file unreadable.
Position 1-16 are mandatory for the Application Image type.
Position | 1-14 | 15 | 16 |
Data | GTIN | underscore | Image Type |
value | (n14) | _ | N - Application |
Position | 17 | 18+ |
Data | underscore | Language | Image End Date | Serialisation | Rendered Image | CPV |
Value | _ | (a2) or (a2-A2) | (MMYY) | s(n2) | R | CPV(an…20) |
Position 17 and beyond are optional, each component must be preceded by an underscore ’_’
Examples of product naming:
The ‘ambience/mood’ image type shows images used as ‘mood images’. They are primarily used to communicate a lifestyle, or other emotional reactions, to potential consumers. It is optional to include the product itself.
5.7.1 File format & size
See section 5.1, Secondary images file sizes and formats
5.7.2 Backgrounds and cropping
Clipping path is optional; background may be removed to white (RGB 255/255/255)
5.7.3 File naming
A filename (or file name) is a name used to uniquely identify a computer file stored in a file system. Different file systems impose different restrictions on filename lengths and the allowed characters within filenames.
The components required to identify a file varies across operating systems, as does the syntax and format for a valid filename.
For the purposes of this document, the filename discussion shall focus on the base name of the file excluding the file format/extension. File format/extensions should only be added by the software generating or modifying the file to minimise the chances of rendering the file unreadable.
Position 1-16 are mandatory for the Ambience/Mood Image type.
Position | 1-14 | 15 | 16 |
Data | GTIN | underscore | Image Type |
value | (n14) | _ | R – Ambiance/Mood |
Position | 17 | 18+ |
Data | underscore | Language | Image End Date | Serialisation | Rendered Image | CPV |
Value | _ | (a2) or (a2-A2) | (MMYY) | s(n2) | R | CPV(an…20) |
Position 17 and beyond are optional, each component must be preceded by an underscore ’_’
Examples of product naming:
09521234567899_ R_FR_0622_s01.gif
The ‘size comparison’ image type makes clear the actual size of the product, e.g., via a schematic depiction of a person or well-known object (e.g., one-euro coin) in the background.
5.8.1 File format & size
See section 5.1, Secondary images file sizes and formats
5.8.2 Backgrounds and cropping
Clipping path is optional; background may be removed to white (RGB 255/255/255)
5.8.3 File naming
A filename (or file name) is a name used to uniquely identify a computer file stored in a file system. Different file systems impose different restrictions on filename lengths and the allowed characters within filenames.
The components required to identify a file varies across operating systems, as does the syntax and format for a valid filename.
For the purposes of this document, the filename discussion shall focus on the base name of the file excluding the file format/extension. File format/extensions should only be added by the software generating or modifying the file to minimise the chances of rendering the file unreadable.
Position 1-16 are mandatory for the Size Comparison Image type.
Position | 1-14 | 15 | 16 |
Data | GTIN | underscore | Image Type |
value | (n14) | _ | Q - Size Comparison |
Position | 17 | 18+ |
Data | underscore | Language | Image End Date | Serialisation | Rendered Image | CPV |
Value | _ | (a2) or (a2-A2) | (MMYY) | s(n2) | R | CPV(an…20) |
Position 17 and beyond are optional, each component must be preceded by an underscore ’_’
Examples of product naming:
09520123456788_ Q_0622_s01.png
The Nutritional Label is a portion of the full flat layout, specifically identifying the regulated information related to a product’s nutritional composition. Given the nature of the content, this image type only applies to consumable food products. Regulated Nutritional label must follow the local regulations. Background colours may be used.
5.9.1 File format & size
See section 5.1, Secondary images file sizes and formats
5.9.2 Backgrounds and cropping
Clipping path is optional
5.9.3 File naming
A filename (or file name) is a name used to uniquely identify a computer file stored in a file system. Different file systems impose different restrictions on filename lengths and the allowed characters within filenames.
The components required to identify a file varies across operating systems, as does the syntax and format for a valid filename.
For the purposes of this document, the filename discussion shall focus on the base name of the file excluding the file format/extension. File format/extensions should only be added by the software generating or modifying the file to minimise the chances of rendering the file unreadable.
Position 1-17 are mandatory for the Nutritional Label Image type.
1-14 | 15 | 16 -17 | |
Data | GTIN | underscore | Image Type PACKAGING |
value | (n14) | _ | L2 – Nutritional Label |
Position | 18 | 19+ |
Data | underscore | Language | Serialisation | CPV |
Value | _ | (a2) or (a2-A2) | s(n2) | CPV(an…20) |
Position 18 and beyond are optional, each component must be preceded by an underscore ’_’
Examples of product naming:
09520123456702_ L2_s01_CPV123ABC.tif
The Ingredients image is a list of ingredients printed on the packaging. It may be separated by language in multiple areas on the product and should be identified with the language expressed in the metadata associated and the appropriate position for GTIN based naming.
5.10.1 File format & size
See section 5.1, Secondary images file sizes and formats
5.10.2 Backgrounds and cropping
Clipping path is optional
5.10.3 File naming
A filename (or file name) is a name used to uniquely identify a computer file stored in a file system. Different file systems impose different restrictions on filename lengths and the allowed characters within filenames.
The components required to identify a file varies across operating systems, as does the syntax and format for a valid filename.
For the purposes of this document, the filename discussion shall focus on the base name of the file excluding the file format/extension. File format/extensions should only be added by the software generating or modifying the file to minimise the chances of rendering the file unreadable.
Position 1-17 are mandatory for the Ingredients Image type.
Position | 1-14 | 15 | 16 - 17 |
Data | GTIN | underscore | Image Type - PACKAGING |
value | (n14) | _ | L4 -Ingredients |
Position | 18 | 19+ |
Data | underscore | Language | Serialisation | CPV |
Value | _ | (a2) or (a2-A2) | s(n2) | CPV(an…20) |
Position 18 and beyond are optional, each component must be preceded by an underscore ’_’
Examples of product naming:
09520123456719_ L4_fr_s01_CPV123ABC.jpg
Where regulations permit the combination of nutritional and ingredients, the Nutritional/Ingredients Combined image type will be used.
The language expressed should be identified in the metadata associated and the appropriate position for GTIN based naming.
5.11.1 File format & size
See section 5.1, Secondary images file sizes and formats
5.11.2 Backgrounds and cropping
Clipping path is optional
5.11.3 File naming
A filename (or file name) is a name used to uniquely identify a computer file stored in a file system. Different file systems impose different restrictions on filename lengths and the allowed characters within filenames.
The components required to identify a file varies across operating systems, as does the syntax and format for a valid filename.
For the purposes of this document, the filename discussion shall focus on the base name of the file excluding the file format/extension. File format/extensions should only be added by the software generating or modifying the file to minimise the chances of rendering the file unreadable.
Position 1-17 are mandatory for the Nutritional/Ingredients Image type.
Position | 1-14 | 15 | 16 - 17 |
Data | GTIN | underscore | Image Type - PACKAGING |
value | (n14) | _ | L5 -Nutritional/Ingredients combined |
Position | 18 | 19+ |
Data | underscore | Language | Serialisation | CPV |
Value | _ | (a2) or (a2-A2) | s(n2) | CPV(an…20) |
Position 18 and beyond are optional, each component must be preceded by an underscore ’_’
Examples of product naming:
09520123456726_ L5_s17_CPV123ABC.jpg
See section 6.5, 2D barcode
The certification seal or claim image (one or many) would be used to specifically identify the information related to a product’s certifications, claims or seals (regulatory, marketing, etc.) showing the logo of the certification body, that appears on any level of a products hierarchy (case, inner, each). Any claim that appears on the product, even if related to Sustainability, SHALL be part of this Certification Seals/Claims image type. General information about Sustainability included in an image that does not imply a Certification or Claim should use the Sustainability Image type. The image may contain text to further describe or explain the claim or seal presented in the image.
5.13.1 File format & size
See section 5.1, Secondary images file sizes and formats
5.13.2 Backgrounds and cropping
Clipping path is optional
5.13.3 File naming
A filename (or file name) is a name used to uniquely identify a computer file stored in a file system. Different file systems impose different restrictions on filename lengths and the allowed characters within filenames.
The components required to identify a file varies across operating systems, as does the syntax and format for a valid filename.
For the purposes of this document, the filename discussion shall focus on the base name of the file excluding the file format/extension. File format/extensions should only be added by the software generating or modifying the file to minimise the chances of rendering the file unreadable.
Position 1-17 are mandatory for the Certification Seals/Claims Image type.
Position | 1-14 | 15 | 16 - 17 |
Data | GTIN | underscore | Image Type PACKAGING |
value | (n14) | _ | L7 -Certification Seals/Claims |
Position | 18 | 19+ |
Data | underscore | Language | Serialisation | CPV |
Value | _ | (a2) or (a2-A2) | s(n2) | CPV(an…20) |
Position 18 and beyond are optional, each component must be preceded by an underscore ’_’
Examples of product naming:
09520123456740_ L7 _fr .jpg
The Preparation Instructions would be used to provide information to a consumer related to a product’s recommended preparation steps (for example food preparation). This image can contain visuals or text or both and is meant to support consumer purchasing decisions or understanding how the product is intended to be prepared.
5.14.1 File format & size
See section 5.1, Secondary images file sizes and formats
5.14.2 File size
600 x 600 – 4800 x 4800 pixels
5.14.3 Backgrounds and cropping
Clipping path is optional
5.14.4 File naming
A filename (or file name) is a name used to uniquely identify a computer file stored in a file system. Different file systems impose different restrictions on filename lengths and the allowed characters within filenames.
The components required to identify a file varies across operating systems, as does the syntax and format for a valid filename.
For the purposes of this document, the filename discussion shall focus on the base name of the file excluding the file format/extension. File format/extensions should only be added by the software generating or modifying the file to minimise the chances of rendering the file unreadable.
Position 1-17 are mandatory for the Preparation Instructions Image type.
Position | 1-14 | 15 | 16 - 17 |
Data | GTIN | underscore | Image Type PACKAGING |
value | (n14) | _ | L8 - Preparation Instructions |
Position | 18 | 19+ |
Data | underscore | Language | Serialisation | CPV |
Value | _ | (a2) or (a2-A2) | s(n2) | CPV(an…20) |
Position 18 and beyond are optional, each component must be preceded by an underscore ’_’
Examples of product naming:
09520123456757_ L8_en_CPV123ABC .jpg
The feeding recommendations would identify suggested quantities and frequency of feeding based on age and weight. The Ingredients or guaranteed analysis image is a list of ingredients or breakdown of composition printed on the packaging.
The language indicator should be used where the instructions are available in multiple languages.
5.15.1 File format & size
See section 5.1, Secondary images file sizes and formats
5.15.2 Backgrounds and cropping
Clipping path is optional
5.15.3 File naming
The components required to identify a file varies across operating systems, as does the syntax and format for a valid filename.
For the purposes of this document, the filename discussion shall focus on the base name of the file excluding the file format/extension. File format/extensions should only be added by the software generating or modifying the file to minimise the chances of rendering the file unreadable.
Position 1-17 are mandatory for the Pet Feeding Instructions/Ingredients Image type.
Position | 1-14 | 15 | 16 - 17 |
Data | GTIN | underscore | Image Type PACKAGING |
value | (n14) | _ | L9 - Petfood Feeding Instructions/Ingredients |
Position | 18 | 19+ |
Data | underscore | Language | Serialisation | CPV |
Value | _ | (a2) or (a2-A2) | s(n2) | CPV(an…20) |
Position 18 and beyond are optional, each component must be preceded by an underscore ’_’
Examples of product naming:
09520123456764_ L9_en.tif
These images should be of Safe Handling Instructions as they would appear somewhere on any hierarchy level of the product packaging or a sheet that may accompany the product (physically or digitally).
5.16.1 File format & size
See section 5.1, Secondary images file sizes and formats
5.16.2 Backgrounds and cropping
Clipping path is optional
5.16.3 File naming
A filename (or file name) is a name used to uniquely identify a computer file stored in a file system. Different file systems impose different restrictions on filename lengths and the allowed characters within filenames.
The components required to identify a file varies across operating systems, as does the syntax and format for a valid filename.
For the purposes of this document, the filename discussion shall focus on the base name of the file excluding the file format/extension. File format/extensions should only be added by the software generating or modifying the file to minimise the chances of rendering the file unreadable.
Position 1-18 are mandatory for the Safe Handling Instructions Image type.
Position | 1-14 | 15 | 16 - 18 |
Data | GTIN | underscore | Image Type PACKAGING |
Value | (n14) | _ | L10 - Safe Handling Instructions |
19 | 20+ |
| |
Data | underscore | Language | Serialisation | CPV |
Value | _ | (a2) or (a2-A2) | s(n2) | CPV(an…20) |
Position 19 and beyond are optional, each component must be preceded by an underscore ’_’
Examples of product naming:
This image type is used to inform customer of benefits of a product/a short storyteller. A supplementary image or graphic, generally used to support the Primary image or the Mobile Ready Hero image. It can be created as single image or be a sequence of multiple images to best help customers making decision for their online transaction.
For images with the prime purpose of general Sustainability information see section 5.21
For images addressing Certifications or Claims see section 5.5
5.17.1 File format & size
See section 5.1, Secondary images file sizes and formats
5.17.2 Backgrounds and cropping
Clipping path is optional; background may be removed to white (RGB 255/255/255)
5.17.3 File naming
A filename (or file name) is a name used to uniquely identify a computer file stored in a file system. Different file systems impose different restrictions on filename lengths and the allowed characters within filenames.
The components required to identify a file varies across operating systems, as does the syntax and format for a valid filename.
For the purposes of this document, the filename discussion shall focus on the base name of the file excluding the file format/extension. File format/extensions should only be added by the software generating or modifying the file to minimise the chances of rendering the file unreadable.
Position 1-16 are mandatory for the Sidekick Image type.
Position | 1-14 | 15 | 16 |
Data | GTIN | underscore | Image Type |
Value | (n14) | _ | S - Sidekick |
Position | 17 | 20+ |
Data | underscore | Language | Serialisation | CPV |
Value | _ | (a2) or (a2-A2) | s(n2) | CPV(an…20) |
Position 17 and beyond are optional, each component must be preceded by an underscore ’_’
Examples of product naming:
09520123456771_ S_en_s01_CPV123ABC.jpg
Visual representation of the drug fact panel of the trade item. A drug fact label usually contains such items as active ingredients, uses, warnings, purpose, directions, etc.
5.18.1 File format & size
See section 5.1, Secondary images file sizes and formats
5.18.2 Backgrounds and cropping
Clipping path is optional
5.18.3 File naming
A filename (or file name) is a name used to uniquely identify a computer file stored in a file system. Different file systems impose different restrictions on filename lengths and the allowed characters within filenames.
The components required to identify a file varies across operating systems, as does the syntax and format for a valid filename.
For the purposes of this document, the filename discussion shall focus on the base name of the file excluding the file format/extension. File format/extensions should only be added by the software generating or modifying the file to minimise the chances of rendering the file unreadable.
Position 1-18 are mandatory for the Drug Fact Label Image type.
Position | 1-14 | 15 | 16-18 |
Data | GTIN | underscore | Image Type |
Value | (n14) | _ | L11 – Drug Fact Label |
Position | 19 | 20+ |
Data | underscore | Language | Serialisation | CPV |
Value | _ | (a2) or (a2-A2) | s(n2) | CPV(an…20) |
Position 19 and beyond are optional, each component must be preceded by an underscore ’_’
Examples of product naming:
<GTIN>_ L11_en_s01_CPV123ABC.jpg
Note: The drug fact label image(s) must meet all the local legal requirements. This may require multiple images to deal with factors like multiple language or a large amount of information which would not be clearly legible on a single image.
Visual representation of the product label containing information related to the supplement or nutrient product. The supplement facts label provides about what active/nutritional ingredients are used in the formula along with dosage recommendations for dietary supplements.
5.19.1 File format & size
See section 5.1, Secondary images file sizes and formats
5.19.2 Backgrounds and cropping
Clipping path is optional
5.19.3 File naming
A filename (or file name) is a name used to uniquely identify a computer file stored in a file system. Different file systems impose different restrictions on filename lengths and the allowed characters within filenames.
The components required to identify a file varies across operating systems, as does the syntax and format for a valid filename.
For the purposes of this document, the filename discussion shall focus on the base name of the file excluding the file format/extension. File format/extensions should only be added by the software generating or modifying the file to minimise the chances of rendering the file unreadable.
Position 1-18 are mandatory for the Supplement Fact Label Image type.
Position | 1-14 | 15 | 16-18 |
Data | GTIN | underscore | Image Type |
Value | (n14) | _ | L12 – Supplemental Fact Label |
Position | 19 | 20+ |
Data | underscore | Language | Serialisation | CPV |
Value | _ | (a2) or (a2-A2) | s(n2) | CPV(an…20) |
Position 19 and beyond are optional, each component must be preceded by an underscore ’_’
Examples of product naming:
<GTIN>_ L12_en_s01_CPV123ABC.jpg
Visual representation of the product label containing information related to the light characteristics of the product. The lighting facts label makes it easy to compare bulb characteristics such as brightness, colour, life, and estimated operating cost for the year.
5.20.1 File format & size
See section 5.1, Secondary images file sizes and formats
5.20.2 Backgrounds and cropping
Clipping path is optional
5.20.3 File naming
A filename (or file name) is a name used to uniquely identify a computer file stored in a file system. Different file systems impose different restrictions on filename lengths and the allowed characters within filenames.
The components required to identify a file varies across operating systems, as does the syntax and format for a valid filename.
For the purposes of this document, the filename discussion shall focus on the base name of the file excluding the file format/extension. File format/extensions should only be added by the software generating or modifying the file to minimise the chances of rendering the file unreadable.
Position 1-18 are mandatory for the Lighting Fact Label Image type.
Position | 1-14 | 15 | 16-18 |
Data | GTIN | underscore | Image Type |
Value | (n14) | _ | L13 – Lighting Fact Label |
Position | 19 | 20+ |
Data | underscore | Language | Serialisation | CPV |
Value | _ | (a2) or (a2-A2) | s(n2) | CPV(an…20) |
Position 19 and beyond are optional, each component must be preceded by an underscore ’_’
Examples of product naming:
<GTIN>_ L13_en_s01_CPV123ABC.jpg
The sustainability image emphasizes the features or characteristics of the product related to recyclability, reusability, product and packaging components, environmental impact etc.
It differs from Sidekick Images due to its prime focus on the sustainability benefits of the product.
The use of an image classed as a Sustainability Image in no way implies any related Certification or Claim. This only indicates the image contains Sustainability related information.
If the sustainability claim appears on the product itself, then the image type for Certification Seals/Claims SHALL be used.
5.21.1 File format & size
See section 5.1, Secondary images file sizes and formats
5.21.2 Backgrounds and cropping
Clipping path is optional
5.21.3 File naming
A filename (or file name) is a name used to uniquely identify a computer file stored in a file system. Different file systems impose different restrictions on filename lengths and the allowed characters within filenames.
The components required to identify a file varies across operating systems, as does the syntax and format for a valid filename.
For the purposes of this document, the filename discussion shall focus on the base name of the file excluding the file format/extension. File format/extensions should only be added by the software generating or modifying the file to minimise the chances of rendering the file unreadable.
Position 1-18 are mandatory for the Sustainability Image type.
Position | 1-14 | 15 | 16 |
Data | GTIN | underscore | Image Type |
Value | (n14) | _ | J - Sustainability |
Position | 17 | 18+ |
Data | underscore | Language | Serialisation | CPV |
Value | _ | (a2) or (a2-A2) | s(n2) | CPV(an…20) |
Position 19 and beyond are optional, each component must be preceded by an underscore ’_’
Examples of product naming:
6 Technical Images
Technical Images, unlike the Primary or Secondary Images, are not consumer facing and often have specific specification due to the nature and application of these images.
6.1 Planogram Image and Data Field Specifications
6.2 Sample/Mock-up
6.3 Full Flat
6.4 Linear barcode
6.5 2D barcode
6.6 Pharmaceutical Drugs/Medical Devices
A planogram is a visual merchandising tool. Planograms are detailed drawings of a store layout with special attention on product placement. Planogram images and associated data are loaded into software to generate a replica of a store shelf or layout, adjusting the images based on the associated data (such as height, width, depth, nesting, peg hole, etc…) to estimate the number of products which can fill the marketable space available.
6.1.1 File format
File formats must be as follows:
■ Targa 16-32 bit (If 32 then alpha must be I/O), no compression
■ PNG (must be alpha channel compatible and have a transparent background)
■ JPEG, level of compression to be at 10 or above
Note: JPEG images are not alpha channel compatible with all imaging software.
6.1.2 File size
Minimum image size for all marketable face planogram images shall be 20kB minimum (50kB for Targa images)
All products that are produced in a package should be represented with up to 6 views of the In- Package consumer pack, with 3 views as a minimum straight-on front, straight-on top, and straight-on left side views. Items that are not produced in a package, such as hammers, must be represented with the same above 3 views. An additional straight-on front view of an inner pack should be available when appropriate. The GS1 Package and Product Measurement Standard defines what the ‘Default Front’ of a product is.
Valid image views are:
straight on, front shot
straight on, left view
straight on, top view
Optional image views:
straight on, back shot
straight on, right view
straight on, bottom view
6.1.4 Backgrounds and cropping
Images for contour products must appear with a transparent background. Images for contour and non- contour products must also be cropped to products’ edge. No props or additional products are allowed within the primary image areas.
□ Boxes type products are cropped to the edge and represented on a white background
□ Hard corner boxes, were the cropped image leaves no background for close cropping alpha channel identification, shall be saved without a transparent layer level.
□ Rounded or odd shaped type products should be contoured and represented with a transparent background
□ Rounded or odd shaped type products can also be cropped to the products edge and represented on a white background.
6.1.5 File naming
First 14 characters are the GTIN of the product (required). After the first period, the planogram view indicator will be present (required).
The standard image naming indicators are:
(GTIN) .1 front face (GTIN) .2 left of front (GTIN) .3 top
(GTIN) .7 back (GTIN) .8 right of front (GTIN) .9 bottom
Note: For peg hole flat products: If the product side 2,3,8 and 9 are less than 1/2cm and have no viewable marketing information images may be omitted. Additional naming for Alternate/Display/Tray
In the subsections you will find examples for additional sub-naming rules for use with items that may require additional image/data for accurate planogramming. Alternate naming
In some instances, more than one ‘front’ exists due to alternate graphics.
GTINs with multiple graphic layouts that do not conflict with the GTIN allocation rules should be identified with ‘A’ for Alternative.
09520123456795A.1 Display Naming (retail ready packaging)
If the GTIN is unique to a display the image will be named using the display GTIN as well as the inner product GTIN followed by its appropriate identifier (‘T’ for tray , ‘D’ for display, and ‘A” for alternate)
Retail ready packaging, also known as shelf ready packaging, is ready-to-sell secondary packaging. Primary packaging contains the product and secondary packaging protects the primary packaging. RRP is placed directly onto the shelf without the need for unpacking the inner contents.
Note: A display may also be considered a tray (e.g., a box of chocolate bars) Where this is the case, if there is a marketing ‘flap’ or display component which alters the dimensions compared to the dimensions of the unopened tray, the identifier ‘Display’ should be used. Tray Naming (retail ready packaging)
If the GTIN is unique to a tray the image will be named using the tray GTIN as well as the inner product GTIN followed by its appropriate identifier (‘T’ for tray , ‘D’ for display, and ‘A” for alternate)
Retail ready packaging, also known as shelf ready packaging, is ready-to-sell secondary packaging. Primary packaging contains the product and secondary packaging protects the primary packaging. RRP is placed directly onto the shelf without the need for unpacking the inner contents.
Note: A tray may also be considered a display (e.g., a box of chocolate bars) Where this is the case, if there is a marketing ‘flap’ or display component which alters the dimensions compared to the dimensions of the unopened tray, the identifier ‘Display’ should be used.
The Sample (Prototype)/Mock-up Image is generally created whether the product is ready for ordering or is still in production (pre-production) stage.
It can be a sketch (line art drawing) an image or a computer-generated rendering. The drawing should only depict the style and be free of dimensions and other technical details.
The image is intended exclusively for internal use and communication between business partners (b2b) and is used to conceptualize the product for the ordering process.
Note: Due to the nature of the image, only GDTI naming may be employed for this image type.
6.2.1 File format
6.2.2 File size
n/a (generally 500kb or less)
6.2.3 Backgrounds and cropping
Clipping path is optional
6.2.4 File naming
A Full Flat is the term used for the final print layout of a product’s packaging. It is generally the print layout for any and all information that will appear on the final product. These images may include images of cans, jars, trays, etc. and should be STITCHED or UNSTITCHED images. If these images are sent unstitched, sequencing would be recommended to be utilised.
6.3.1 File format
Storage: LZW Compressed TIFF; JPG, PDF
6.3.2 File size
Square aspect ratio not required for this technical image type, therefore, there is no minimum pixel size. However, the image must be clearly legible.
6.3.3 Backgrounds and cropping
Clipping path is optional
6.3.4 File naming
A filename (or file name) is a name used to uniquely identify a computer file stored in a file system. Different file systems impose different restrictions on filename lengths and the allowed characters within filenames.
The components required to identify a file varies across operating systems, as does the syntax and format for a valid filename.
For the purposes of this document, the filename discussion shall focus on the base name of the file excluding the file format/extension. File format/extensions should only be added by the software generating or modifying the file to minimise the chances of rendering the file unreadable.
Position 1-17 are mandatory for the Full Flat Image type.
Position | 1-14 | 15 | 16 - 17 |
Data | GTIN | underscore | Image Type PACKAGING |
Value | (n14) | _ | L1 - Full Flat |
Position | 18 | 19+ |
Data | underscore | Language | Serialisation | CPV |
Value | _ | (a2) or (a2-A2) | s(n2) | CPV(an…20) |
Position 18 and beyond are optional, each component must be preceded by an underscore ’_’
Examples of product naming:
The linear barcode image is used for any symbol applied to the product. Multiple linear barcodes may exist on the product, in such cases more than one image may be required and SHOULD be differentiated with the serialisation tag in GTIN based naming.
6.4.1 File format
Storage: Any format.
6.4.2 File size
600 x 600 (minimum) pixels; Square aspect ratio not required.
6.4.3 Backgrounds and cropping
Clipping path optional.
6.4.4 File naming
A filename (or file name) is a name used to uniquely identify a computer file stored in a file system. Different file systems impose different restrictions on filename lengths and the allowed characters within filenames.
The components required to identify a file varies across operating systems, as does the syntax and format for a valid filename.
For the purposes of this document, the filename discussion shall focus on the base name of the file excluding the file format/extension. File format/extensions should only be added by the software generating or modifying the file to minimise the chances of rendering the file unreadable.
Position 1-17 are mandatory for the Barcode Image type.
Position | 1-14 | 15 | 16 - 17 |
Data | GTIN | underscore | Image Type PACKAGING |
Value | (n14) | _ | L3 - Linear barcode |
Position | 18 | 19+ |
Data | underscore | Language | Serialisation | CPV |
Value | _ | (a2) or (a2-A2) | s(n2) | CPV(an…20) |
Position 18 and beyond are optional, each component must be preceded by an underscore ’_’
Examples of product naming:
Formerly known as the “Marketing Content Code image”, the 2D barcode image is used for 2D barcodes applied to the product (e.g., A QR Code with GS1 Digital Link URL syntax or GS1 DataMatrix).
Note: Images of 2D barcodes linking to online content are likely to be scanned at any point in time by any partner or consumer of the image. It is important to keep the image current when the barcode’s content is updated.
6.5.1 File format
Storage: Any format.
6.5.2 File size
600 x 600 (minimum) pixels.
6.5.3 Backgrounds and cropping
Clipping path is optional.
6.5.4 File naming
A filename (or file name) is a name used to uniquely identify a computer file stored in a file system. Different file systems impose different restrictions on filename lengths and the allowed characters within filenames.
The components required to identify a file varies across operating systems, as does the syntax and format for a valid filename.
For the purposes of this document, the filename discussion shall focus on the base name of the file excluding the file format/extension. File format/extensions should only be added by the software generating or modifying the file to minimise the chances of rendering the file unreadable.
Position 1-17 are mandatory for the 2D barcode image type.
Position | 1-14 | 15 | 16 - 17 |
Data | GTIN | underscore | Image Type PACKAGING |
value | (n14) | _ | L6 - 2D barcode |
Position | 18 | 19+ |
Data | underscore | Language | Serialisation | CPV |
Value | _ | (a2) or (a2-A2) | s(n2) | CPV(an…20) |
Position 18 and beyond are optional, each component must be preceded by an underscore ’_’
Examples of product naming:
09506000134352_ L6 .png
The Pharmaceutical Drugs/Medical Devices images refers to products (medical devices or pharmaceutical drugs and components) used in the diagnosis, treatment or prevention of disease that achieves its primary intended purpose through pharmacological, immunological or metabolic means within or on the body. Includes medical equipment and supplies, all drugs, biologicals or therapeutic nutritional for human applications.
These are high-resolution images of packaging levels and components - down to the product or unit of use - to support internal applications and different business processes. The multiple product views provide a good visual representation for identification and validation capabilities.
1500 x 1500 pixels
6.6.3 Backgrounds and cropping
Clipping path is recommended; background should be removed to white (RGB 255/255/255)
A filename (or file name) is a name used to uniquely identify a computer file stored in a file system. Different file systems impose different restrictions on filename lengths and the allowed characters within filenames.
The components required to identify a file varies across operating systems, as does the syntax and format for a valid filename.
For the purposes of this document, the filename discussion shall focus on the base name of the file excluding the file format/extension. File format/extensions should only be added by the software generating or modifying the file to minimise the chances of rendering the file unreadable.
Position 1-21 are mandatory for the Barcode Image type.
Position | 1-14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 |
Data | GTIN | underscore | Component level | Sequence component level | Component type | underscore | Image Type | Facing |
value | (n14) | _ | (n) | (n) | 0 – Product- | _ | G - Pharmaceutical Drugs/Medical Devices | 0 - Not applicable |
| 1 – Peel |
| 1 - Front |
| 2 – Accessories |
| 2 - Left |
| 3 – Unit of use |
| 3 - Top |
| 4 – Oral solid Dosage |
| 7 – Back |
| 5 – 9 (place holder) |
| 8 – Right |
| 9 - Bottom |
Position 16 and 17
Component images need to be structured in the right sequence, specifying the packaging level, sequence of components within each level and their respective component types.
Component Level – Refers to products with several components inside of a single packaging.
| ||
| | |
Component level (1) | Component level (2) | Component level (3) |
Sequence Component Level – Identifies the different component levels inside the packaging. In cases where the packaging contains multiple products belonging to the same component type, such as two different accessories, this differentiation is made at the sequence component level.
| ||
| | |
Sequence Component level (1) | Sequence Component level (2) |
Position | 22 | 23+ |
Data | underscore | Language |
Value | _ | (a2) or (a2-A2) |
Position 22 and beyond are optional, each component must be preceded by an underscore ’_’
Examples of product naming:
7 Identification and Metadata
7.1 Identification
7.2 Metadata list
Identification of an image or file is different than naming of the same, when properly assigned and embedded within the file’s metadata, identification can survive renaming. File identification should be unique, the current file naming structure allows for reuse to ensure that a new image can be easily introduced into the process with minimal effort.
GDTI (Global Document Type Identifier) is the recommended identification method, to uniquely identify a file.
When leveraging the ability for a file (image, document, etc…) to contain its own micro database, the list below should be used; its composition should include comparative and explorative items it assists in finding and matching the document to its associated data.
Metadata Attribute | Definition | R/O/D | GS1 Web Vocabulary Name | GS1 Web Vocabulary Definition |
GDTI | A GS1 GDTI, a unique document identifier for the digital asset. This may or may not be the same value as the filename. | Recommended | gs1:gdti | |
Brand Name | The Brand Name of the product in the image. | Recommended | gs1:brandName | The brand name of the product that appears on the consumer package. |
Product Name | The name of the product. | Recommended | gs1:productName | Consumer friendly short description of the product suitable for compact presentation. |
Valid From Date | Earliest date from when the image can be used or may be shown. | Recommended | gs1:referencedFileEffectiveStartDateTime | The date upon which the target of this external link begins to be effective for use. |
GTIN | Global Trade Item Number | Recommended | gs1:gtin | The GS1 identification key used to identify trade items. The key comprises a GS1 Company Prefix followed by an Item Reference Number and a check digit. |
Alternative Text (Alt Text) | Provide text alternatives for any non-text content so that it can be changed into other forms people need, such as large print, braille, speech, symbols or simpler language | Optional | gs1:alternativeText | Guidance on the use of Alternative Text (Alt Text) can be found on |
Angle Indicator | Angle at which the image was taken when compared to the front face of the product. | Optional | gs1:referencedFileImageAngle | PROPOSED Web Vocabulary attribute. |
Article Variant | Optional | gs1:productionVariantDescription | Free text assigned by the manufacturer to describe the production variant. Examples are: package series X, package series Y. | |
Camera Data | Optional | |||
Clipping Path Name | Optional | PROPOSED: gs1:referencedFileImageClippingPathName | ||
Colour Mode | Recommended | |||
Copyright | Optional | |||
Create Date | Recommended | |||
Description | Optional | gs1:productDescription | An understandable and useable description of a trade item using brand and other descriptors. This attribute is filled with as little abbreviation as possible while keeping to a reasonable length. Free form text field, this data element is repeatable for each language used and must be associated with a valid ISO language code. Field length is 178 characters. This should be a meaningful description of the trade item with full spelling to facilitate message processing. Retailers can use this description as the base to fully understand the brand, flavour, scent etc. of the specific GTIN in order to accurately create a product description as needed for their internal systems. Examples: GS1 Brand Base Invisible Solid Deodorant AP Stick Spring Breeze GS1 Brand Laundry Detergent Liquid Compact Regular Instant Stain 1 GS1 Brand Hair Colour Liquid Light to Medium Blonde. | |
Expiration Date | After this time, the image is not be shown | Optional | gs1:referencedFileEffectiveEndDateTime | The date upon which the target of this external link ceases to be effective for use. |
Facing Indicator | Value to denote which way the product is facing within the image. | Optional | gs1:referencedFileFacingIndicatorType | PROPOSED Web Vocabulary attribute. |
File/Nature Type | Explanation of the type of image shot taken. | Optional | gs1:referencedFileImageNatureType | PROPOSED Web Vocabulary attribute |
Filename | The filename of the digital asset. GDTI is preferred. | Dependent | gs1:referencedFileName | The name of the file that contains the external information |
Functional Name |
| Optional | Gs1:functionalName | Describes use of the product or service by the consumer. Should help clarify the product classification associated with the GTIN. |
GEO Coordinates | (Longitude, Latitude, Height) | Optional | gs1:latitude / gs1:longitude | PROPOSED: gs1altitude |
Image Quality Assurance Date | The date when the image was verified to meet GS1 global standard. | Optional | PROPOSED: gs1:referencedFileImageQualityAssuranceDate | |
Indication Clipping Path Present | Optional | PROPOSED: gs1:referencedFileHasImageClippingPath | ||
Legal Owner | Owner of the digital file | Optional | gs1:legalOwner | PROPOSED: expects a value of gs1:Organisation (which can relate to a gs1:PostalAddress and a gs1:ContactPoint ) |
Legal Owner Contact Information | Contact information for the legal owner | Optional | gs1:contactPoint | Relates a gs1:Organisation to a gs1:ContactPoint class That specifies contact information (e.g., email, fax, telephone) and a gs1:contactType or gs1:responsibility (free-form text string, which could be ‘legal owner of image’ Recommendation: Create additional web vocabulary to align to this requirement - gs1:legalOwner expects a value of gs1:Organisation (which can relate to a gs1:PostalAddress and a gs1:ContactPoint ) |
Max Avail Height | Optional | |||
Max Avail Width | Optional | |||
Net Content | what quantity of product is provided | Optional | Gs1:netContent | The amount of the trade item contained by a package, usually as claimed on the label. For example, Water 750ml - net content = "750 MLT" ; 20 count pack of diapers, net content = "20 ea.". In case of multi-pack, indicates the net content of the total trade item. For fixed value trade items use the value claimed on the package, to avoid variable fill rate issue that arises with some trade item which are sold by volume or weight, and whose actual content may vary slightly from batch to batch. In case of variable quantity trade items, indicates the average quantity. |
Number of the image | e.g., "001V" for the front view of the promotional-optimised product image. | Optional | PROPOSED: gs1:referencedFileImageNumber | |
Packaging Type | The dominant means used to transport, store, handle or display the product as defined by the data source | Optional | gs1:hasPackaging | Datatype = Packaging |
Product Net Content | Net Content of the product in text | Optional | gs1:netContent | Datatype = gs1:QuantitativeValue |
Product Supplier | The Name of the product's supplier/manufacturer. | Optional | gs1:manufacturer | Datatype: Organisation |
Product URL | URL link to additional information (i.e., Detail page of the digital file). | Optional | ||
Rights of Use | No Entry of the right to use means an unrestricted right to use the product image. | Optional | ||
Special Rights | Special rights should be defined as free text | Optional | ||
Variant Description |
| Optional | Gs1:variantDescription | Free text field used to identify the variant of the product. Variants are the distinguishing characteristics that differentiate products with the same brand and size including such things as the particular flavour, fragrance, taste. |
Version Number | A version number is assigned for each product image, starting with value 1 | Optional | gs1:consumerProductVariantIdentification | The identification for a particular Consumer Product Variant . This identification is based upon guidelines and assignment to the GS1 General Specifications. |
Referenced File Type Code | Code to describe the placement of the product and its associated packaging. | Optional | gs1:referencedFileTypeCode | Suggest to define additional instances of gs1:ReferencedFileTypeCode in addition to existing values such as: gs1:ReferencedFileTypeCode-PRODUCT_LABEL_IMAGE gs1:ReferencedFileTypeCode-LOGO Gs1:ReferencedFileTypeCode-PRODUCT_IMAGE |
URI | Uniform Resource Identifier | Optional | gs1:referencedUniformResourceIdentifier | Simple text string that refers to a resource on the internet, URLs may refer to documents, resources, people, etc. |
Related Image | A link to any image that depicts or relates to the identified entity (e.g., trade item, assets, business process, patient record, location, organisation, etc.) | Optional | gs1:relatedImage |
8 Image Types
| Section | 16th | Image type |
Primary | A | ||
Primary | B | ||
Primary | C | ||
Primary | D | ||
Optimised | H | ||
Optimised | U | ||
Optimised | E | ||
Optimised | 3DR | ||
Secondary | T | ||
Secondary | F | ||
Secondary | M | ||
Secondary | N | ||
Secondary | R | ||
Secondary | Q | ||
Secondary | L2 | ||
Secondary | L4 | ||
Secondary | L5 | ||
Secondary | L7 | ||
Secondary | L8 | ||
Secondary | L9 | ||
Secondary | L10 | ||
Secondary | S | ||
Secondary | L11 | ||
Secondary | L12 | ||
Secondary | L13 | ||
Technical | N/A | ||
Technical | N/A | ||
Technical | L1 | ||
Technical | L3 | ||
Technical | L6 | ||
Technical | G |
Character position | Value | Description |
Only one may be used | C | C - Centre |
L | L - Left | |
R | R - Right | |
N | N - No plunge angle | |
_ | (underscore) | |
(N3) | Sequence Number (3 character numeric) | |
Only one may be used | 1 | (1) In packaging |
0 | (0) Out of packaging (i.e., the product as it first arrives “out of packaging” not how it appears after it has been processed or prepared) | |
A | (A) Case – A shot of the product in its case as it would appear to the operator upon delivery. | |
B | (B) Innerpack – A shot of the product as it would appear inside its packaging inside the case. | |
C | (C) Raw/uncooked – A shot of a product that has not been cooked or processed or that needs to be cooked or further prepared before it is considered edible/consumable. | |
D | (D) Prepared - A shot of a product that has been taken from a raw or uncooked state to a cooked state according to the appropriate method of preparation (e.g., baked, fried, grilled or boiled). | |
E | (E) Plated - Prepared food arranged simply on a serving plate, dish or bowl for better visibility. May include an additional step, such as garnishing, icing, seasoning or other enhancement | |
F | (F) Styled - Carefully and artfully arranged for an attractive visual presentation, and designed to suggest the taste, aroma and appeal of the actual dish. May include complementary items (e.g., an entrée and sides) to present the impression of a complete meal. May also include an additional step, such as garnishing, icing, seasoning or other enhancement. May be presented with different backgrounds and at different angles. | |
G | (G) Staged - A shot of a product that has been arranged for display in such a way as to provide clear visibility. The product may be propped up if necessary for optimum viewing, but it should not be held or used in any way by a person. | |
H | (H) Held - A shot of a product that has been held out for display by one hand or a pair of hands. When relevant, proper grip should be demonstrated. Apart from the hands and forearms, no part of the person holding the item should be visible. | |
J | (J) Worn - A shot of a product, such as a protective item or article of clothing, which is worn by a person. The complete product should be visible inside the frame, but the individual wearing it should be cropped out as much as possible. | |
K | (K) Used - A shot of a product as it is meant to be used in its appropriate environment. Small utensils may be held in a hand or hands and used for their intended purpose. | |
L | (L) Family - A shot of a number of related products (e.g., matched sets, place settings) arranged together in a single picture. | |
M | (M) Open Case - A shot of a case, flaps open, that shows how the product(s) would look when an operator receives the product and opens the case. | |
P | (P) Pallet/Display – An image comprised of the product in a display or pallet configuration. | |
*After mandatory elements
| (a2) or (a2-A2) | Language Indicator (2 character alpha):ISO639 format - Example syntax for populating a country variation of a Language Code attribute: aa or optionally aa-AA where aa = ISO 639-1 code list, must be lower case where AA =ISO 3166-1 Country Code, 2 Alpha character representation, must be upper case to be used only if multiple faces of dissimilar languages occur. |
S(N2) | Serialisation/Sequence Number (3 character alphanumeric): lowercase ‘s’ followed by 2 numeric digits for Sequence number will be added at the end of file name with the following format: xxxx_sNN (underscore, lowercase “s” and then 2 numeric mandatory) |
9 Abbreviations
Term | Abbreviation | Definition |
Alphanumeric | an | A character set that contains alphabetic characters (letters), numeric digits (numbers) and other characters, such as punctuation marks. |
Consumer Product Variant | CPV | An alphanumeric attribute of a GTIN assigned to a retail consumer trade item variant for its lifetime. |
Global Document Type Identifier | GDTI | The GS1 identification key used to identify a document type. The key comprises a GS1 Company Prefix, document type, check digit and optional serial number. |
Global Trade Item Number | GTIN | The GS1 identification key used to identify trade items. The key comprises a GS1 Company Prefix, an item reference and check digit. |
Lempel-Ziv-Welch compressed Tagged Image File Format | LZW Compressed TIFF | A method used to reduce the size of Tag Image File Format (TIFF) files without significant loss of image quality. |
Numeric | n | A character set exclusively composed of numerical digits (0-9). Numeric values are utilized for representing quantities or measurements in a numerical format, without alphabetic characters or other symbols. |
Tag Image File Format | TIFF | A computer file used to store raster graphics and image information. |
Trade Item Implementation Guide | TIIG | Supplements the formal GS1 Global Data Synchronisation Network (GDSN) standards with advice on their implementation and operation |
Contributors & change log
Company |
Raquel Abrantes |
GS1 Portugal |
Adel Mounir Achir |
GS1 France |
Mirva Alatyppö |
GS1 Finland |
Lindsey Allen |
Coca-Cola Company (The) |
Marija Andjelkovic |
Mondelez International |
Lucelena Angarita |
GS1 US |
Phil Archer |
GS1 Global Office |
Guillaume Arnal |
Andrea Ausili |
GS1 Italy |
Fauzi Bajuri |
Procter & Gamble Co. |
Simão Baptista |
GS1 Portugal |
Toni Baxter Juenger |
Procter & Gamble Co. |
Brian Becker |
Wegmans Food Markets |
Amy Behm |
GS1 US |
Dieter Beitz |
CSB System AG |
Juergen Belke |
Nestlé |
Dana Benson |
GS1 US |
Jon Bergh |
Target Corporation |
Helene Bernhard |
Nestlé |
Robert Besford |
GS1 UK |
Sven Böckelmann |
Benelog GmbH & Co. KG |
Oliver Bradley |
Unilever UK |
Cecilia Brander |
GS1 Sweden |
Elsa Braz (lead editor) |
GS1 Global Office |
Clémence Brel |
Scott Brown |
1WorldSync, Inc. |
David Buckley |
GS1 Global Office |
Sylvie Cabedoce |
GS1 Canada |
Phuong Cao |
GS1 Germany |
Erik de Clercq |
Coca-Cola Enterprises |
Benjamin Couty |
GS1 France |
Jeff Cowan |
GS1 US |
Jeffrey Cree |
Ahold (USA) |
Chase Cunningham |
Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. |
Sara Daniel |
Schawk, Inc. |
Saskia De Stobbeleir |
Nicolas Delabrouille |
Georgi Duev |
PGZ International B.V. |
Nordine Eddaoudi |
GS1 France |
Guitta El Alam |
Hussam El-Leithy |
GS1 US |
Alexis Elloso |
GS1 Australia |
Filipe Esteves |
GS1 Portugal |
Michele Francis Padayachee |
GS1 South Africa |
Allison Fregans |
Johnson & Johnson |
Eric Ginsburg |
Sazerac Company, Inc. |
Vanessa Giulieri |
GS1 Italy |
Josee Gladu (co-chair) |
GS1 Canada |
Nicole Golestani |
GS1 Canada |
Tobias Granqvist |
GS1 Sweden |
Georgina Grozier |
Kingfisher PLC |
Jean-Francois Guerrand |
David Hackbarth |
Procter & Gamble Co. |
Carla Hamrick |
Coca-Cola Company (The) |
Yvonne Hoeting |
Mars, Inc. |
Zoltan Homan |
Cook Medical Inc. |
Matthew Hooyman |
Johnson & Johnson |
Jessica Horst |
The J.M. Smucker Company |
Tomi Ihalainen |
GS1 Finland |
Yoshihiko Iwasaki |
GS1 Japan |
Marek Jagielo |
Procter & Gamble Co. |
James Jellings |
Brandbank |
Frederik Jensen |
GS1 Denmark |
Alex Joly |
Coca-Cola Enterprises |
Martin Kairu |
GS1 South Africa |
Iliada Karali |
GS1 Association Greece |
Betsy Kephart |
Ahold (USA) |
Niklas Kihlman |
GS1 Sweden |
Chanelle Komarasamy |
GS1 South Africa |
Emmanouil Kritikos |
Mondelez Europe Services GmbH |
Steffen Kujus |
REWE Group |
Paul Laan |
SRC Systems Integrators B.V. |
Sarah Lard |
GS1 Belgium & Luxembourg |
Yves Le Breton |
Inside Ideas Group |
Angie Daniela Leal Zamora |
Logyca |
Nathan Lehn |
GS1 Australia |
Hannu Lehtonen |
GS1 Finland |
Kathy Leski |
Ivana Leskur |
Mondelez |
Kayla Lewis |
Sam’s Club |
Nathan Libby |
Procter & Gamble Co. |
Sean Lockhead |
Innovit Inc. |
Burkhard Lorry |
atrify GmbH |
Henrik Lundin |
GS1 Sweden |
Mina Magdy |
GS1 Egypt |
Maarten Marrant |
GS1 Belgium & Luxembourg |
Jeroen Marrant |
GS1 Belgium & Luxembourg |
Sally McKinley |
GS1 US |
Jan Merckx |
GS1 Netherlands |
Joanne Metcalf |
Essity North America Inc |
Federico Mittersteiner |
GS1 Italy |
Doug Moody |
PepsiCo, Inc. |
Naoko Mori |
GS1 Japan |
Reiko Moritani |
GS1 Japan |
Mike Mowad |
Author-it Software Corporation |
Megan Myers |
Retail Business Services, LLC |
Mao Nagata |
GS1 Japan |
Prince Namane |
GS1 South Africa |
Steven Nelson |
Tyson |
Rebecca Nichols |
Wakefern Food Corporation |
Tammy O’Donnell |
Beam Suntory |
Claudilena Oliveira |
GS1 Brasil |
Nobuhiro Oshima |
GS1 Japan |
Sergio Pastrana |
GS1 Mexico |
Andrew Pearl |
Profitero |
Elia Picelli |
GS1 Italy |
Bo Pincket |
GS1 Belgium & Luxembourg |
Neil Piper |
GS1 Global Office |
Christian Przybilla |
GS1 Germany |
Jaroslaw Przybyszewski |
BlissPoint.Space |
Dagmara Repkova |
Mondelez Belgium bvba |
Steve Robba |
GS1 Global Office |
Kristina Salaj-Fuckalo |
Mondelez Europe Services GmbH |
Sofia Salcedo |
Logyca |
Alexander Sanchez |
GS1 Mexico |
Caryn Scaduto |
Peapod Digital Labs |
Armand Schins |
Ahold (Europe) |
Tom Eric Schmidt |
August Storck KG |
Domenic Schneider |
GS1 Switzerland |
Sophie-Mareen Scholz |
Dr. August Oetker Nahrungsmittel KG |
Rene Schweinzger |
GS1 Austria |
Eugen Sehorz |
GS1 Austria |
Joan Shaw |
Smucker Foods of Canada |
Patrícia Simas |
GS1 Portugal |
Dimitri Sonck |
Ana Sramek |
Mondelez International |
Shogo s-takano |
GS1 Japan |
Sylvia Stein |
GS1 Netherlands |
Lian Stevenson |
Georgette Suggs |
Sitation, LLC |
Taishi Takaoka |
GS1 Japan |
Patricia Thibaudet (co-chair) |
Thomas Thijs |
Katambar (Wycams) |
Kate Thiruchelvam |
Mondelez International |
Margaret Thompson |
PepsiCo Beverages Canada |
Tomas Tluchor |
GS1 Czech Republic |
Gina Tomassi |
PepsiCo, Inc. |
Viet Tran |
GS1 Vietnam |
Vivian Underwood |
GS1 US |
Tom Van Damme |
Hubo België |
Henda van der Walt |
Tilda Ltd |
Jeroen van Weperen |
GS1 Australia |
GS1 Netherlands |
Amber Walls |
GS1 US |
Wenyu Wang |
GS1 China |
Chunguang Wang |
GS1 China |
Cornelia Willutzki |
GS1 Switzerland |
Tim Wynia |
GS1 in Europe |
Belle Yang |
GS1 Chinese Taipei |
Christian Zaeske |
Metro Group |
Yanis Zhi |
GS1 China |
Bo Zhou |
GS1 China |
Log of Changes
Release |
Date of Change |
Changed By |
Summary of Change |
2006 06 29 |
2006 29 June |
D. Buckley |
Converted ‘VICS Product Image Specification’ into GS1-GSMP template format |
2006 07 11 |
2006 11 July |
R. Laur |
Updated information for CR submission to GSMP |
1 |
2006 08 December |
GDSN/GSMP Imaging Specification Work Group |
See analysis documentation. |
2 |
2007 11 January |
GDSN/GSMP Imaging Specification Work Group |
See comment resolution document from GSMP Public Review |
2.1 |
2007 07 February |
GDSN/GSMP Imaging Specification Work Group |
Errata to fix examples. |
2.2 |
2007 13 February |
Clarification of examples 4-2, 4-3, 4-4 |
2.3 |
2008 26 February |
D.Clark |
Clarification to planogram naming structure 2.1.5 |
2.4 |
2013 08 30 |
GDSN/GSMP Imaging Specification Work Group |
WR # 12-046; 12-244; 12-253; 12-254; 12-255; 12-256; 12-257; 12-258; 12-259; 12-310; 12-312; 12-313; 12-322; 13-018; 13-040; 13-105 |
2.5 |
2014 03 11 |
Errata |
Corrections to wording and examples added |
2.6 |
2014 10 01 |
GDSN/GSMP Imaging Specification Work Group |
WR #14-076; 14-023; 14-038; 14-055; 14-099 |
2.7 |
2015 03 02 |
GDSN/GSMP Imaging Specification Work Group |
WR # 15-004 rendered images |
2.8 |
Sept 2015 |
D.Buckley & D.Clark |
Applied new GS1 branding prior to publication and WR # 14-071 (Metadata added); 14-184 (style sheet to identify facing level below each); 14-200 & 14-201 (GDTI Based Naming added); 15-154 (descriptions added to the image capture types for still shot single & multiple GTIN) |
3.0 |
Jun 2017 |
D.Buckley & D.Clark |
Document re-design based on WR 16-219 |
3.1 |
Nov 2017 |
D.Clark |
WR 17-083: Add new Section 2.5.5 Sample (Prototype) Image type I and WR17-196 Update for Product Label Images |
3.2 |
Jul 2018 |
D.Clark |
WR 18-054 updates to Section 3.2 and 18-088: updates to Section 2.2 & 2.8 for images saved with transparent backgrounds. |
3.3 |
Feb 2019 |
D.Buckley & D.Clark |
WR 18-228 Updates based upon Consumer Product Variant (CPV) WR 18-321 Updates based upon GS1 Mobile Ready Hero Images Guideline |
3.4 |
Feb 2020 |
D.Buckley & D.Clark |
WR 18-088, errata fix updated section 2.9 (Clipping paths) WR 19-140, updates for 360-degree image WR 19-152, update to section 2.6 to allow JPG for label images WR 19-153, new section on Certification Seals/Claims WR 19-166, Update to section 3.2 on naming convention for size comparison WR 19-180 new section Preparation Instructions WR 19-219, new section on Petfood Feeding Instructions/Ingredients WR 19-225, new section on Secondary images WR 19-227, update to section A4. For meta data WR 19-232, new section on Margins WR 19-285, update to GTIN naming for Pallet/Display Errata: updated list of contributors, section 5 added missing description. |
3.4.1 |
Mar 2020 |
D.Buckley & D.Clark |
WR 20-046, errata fix Ambience/Mood in section 3.2 |
3.5 |
May 2020 |
D.Buckley, R.Burd & D.Clark |
WR 19-308 align pack shot and for Mobile Ready Hero Images WR 20-050 Reposition information about Photography WR 20-080 Section 3.2 Open Case “M” fixes Errata fix Section 3.2 (Full flat E à L) |
3.6 |
Jul 2020 |
D.Buckley & D.Clark |
WR 20-164: Full Flat Packaging Label Images- Unstitched WR 20-165: Full Flat Packaging Label Images - Stitched WR 20-166: Safe Handling Instructions WR 20-167 Hero Optimised Images WR 20-168: Sidekick Images WR 20-169: 3D Rendered file types |
3.7 |
Dec 2020 |
D.Buckley & D.Clark |
WR-20-314: Special cases WR-20-315: Montage (Composite) WR-20-316: Detail (Technology) |
4.0 |
Mar 2021 |
D.Clark |
WR 20-410: Product Image name to include fileType WR 21-079 update layout for HTML and refresh WR 21-166 clipping path and background optional |
4.0.1 |
Aug 2021 |
D.Buckley |
WR21-266 Errata fix in Annex A (Social Media listed as “R”. It is “K’ |
4.1 |
Jan 2022 |
E.Braz & D.Buckley
WR 21-306 Add "Alt Text" in section 7.2 (metadata list) Errata fix section 5.3 (serialisation) |
4.2 |
Jan 2023 |
E.Braz & D.Buckley
Errata fix section 5.12 (example name) WR 22-142 Clarity on clipping paths WR 22-231 clarity in section 4 on optimised and mobile ready image definition WR 22-291 Pharmaceutical Images WR 22-292 Improvements and fixes WR 22-298 Harmonise file sizes for Secondary Product Images WR 22-275 New values for Supplemental, Drug and Lighting facts label WR 22-304 new value (Q) Formed |
4.3 |
Sep 2023 |
J. Gladu, A. Bhathal, E.Braz & D.Buckley
Errata fixes WR 22-378 section 6.5 updates for file naming for images of components and its dosage/unit of use WR 22-385 section 5.17, updated definition of sidekick image WR 23-023 section 6.3.2 corrected file size for full flat images WR 23-030 Remove "within one pixel device" WR 23-031 Definition for related image WR 23-038 Definition for Secondary Images WR 23-039 Social Media WR 23-043 Clarify Application & Ambiance/mood WR 23-045 Clarify wording around nutritional image WR 23-046 Clarify wording around certification seals/claims WR 23-047 Clarify wording around preparation instructions WR 23-053 Clarify Montage images definition WR 23-137 Clarify 2D and Linear barcode images WR 23-303 2D barcodes linking to online content |
4.4 |
Apr 2024 |
E.Braz & D.Buckley
WR 23-278, section 5.3, Detail/Technology image definition WR 23-320, section 5.21, Sustainability images added WR 24-026 added abbreviations and clarifications in section 6.6 Component level & Sequence component level |
Useful links:
* PDF version of the GS1 Product Image Specification Standard