Poster Session
- Enhancing Patient Safety Through a Global Standards-Based Product Recall Communication Service - GS1 Canada
- Ramsay Health Care - Reaping the benefits of using GS1 standards - Case study - GS1 Australia
- £300,000 annual saving for Derby Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust using GS1 standards - GS1 UK
- Using the GTIN to establish the essential link between healthcare items, pack sizes and product information to enable improved patient safety - GS1 Ireland
- Lean and traceabilityof medical devices in hospital OLVG: a good marriage - GS1 Netherlands
- The Dutch Association of Hospital Pharmacists (NVZA) requests for GS1 DataMatrix on primary packaging - GS1 Netherlands
- The GS1 standards to ensure traceability and patient safety - GS1 France
- The product lifecycle from production to dispensing to the patient - GS1 France
- Data Matrix is the data carrier of choice in healthcare - GS1 Global Office
- Patient and caregiver identification for better safety - GS1 Global Office
- Using GS1 EDI in the healthcare supply chain - GS1 Global Office
- What the public policy database can do for you - GS1 Global Office