Why 12 hospital executives use GS1
12 hospital senior executives from 9 countries were interviewed about why their organisations have implemented GS1 barcodes...
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“We needed GS1 standards. Otherwise, we would risk implementing processes & systems that didn't capture the same data and allow us to use effectively. ”Rosemary Kennedy, Executive Director-Business & Infrastructure, Australian Capital Territory Health
“Knowing that we can make our hospitals better & safer is compelling enough to make standards part of everyone's job. ”Dr. Erik Van Ark, Executive Director of Medical Staff, Chairman of Operating Rooms, Bernhoven Hospital, Netherlands
“By using our collective buying power via our GPO and asking our suppliers to comply with our needs, about 95% of our top suppliers use GS1 barcodes, and 80% of all primary packages now carry them. ”Lars Nielsen, CEO, Capital Region Hospital Pharmacy
“Information enabled by GS1 standards could help clinicians determine if & how a medical procedure and treatment could be changed and the possible impact on patient outcomes. ”Kevin Downs, Director of Finance and Performance, Derby Teaching Hospitals, NHS Foundation Trust
“The costs to adopt standards are minimal when compared to the costs of error and 'business as usal'. ”Deb Templeton, Chief of Care Support Services, Geisinger Health System
“Always having the right products there for doctors when needed for their patients can give us a competitive edge and contributes to patient safety. ”Matt Malone, CIO, Healthscope
“The National Health Service recognises the direct impact standards have on patient safety. They are now conducting demonstrations and calling on trusts to 'scan for satefy'. ”The Rt Hon Lord Philip Hunt PC OBE, Shadow Deputy Leader, House of Lords, Labour spokesperson for Health
“Hospital conversations are becoming increasingly sophisticated about the overall value of products. 'Product A' may be slightly more expensive than 'product B', but it is more effective in getting patients out of the hospital sooner or producing better outcomes or it's safer. ”Megan Main, CEO, New Zealand Health Partnerships
“Patient safety is the #1 driver of changes in our stock management processes. One way to measure this is the availability of stock for procedures and care. My target is 100%, which is possible with GS1 standards. ”Alex van der Putten, Supply Chain Manager, Radboud University Medical Centre
“Assessing the value of products on patient outcomes has become an important part of the procurement process. To do this, hospitals need trusted product data. ”Dominique Legouge, CEO, Réseau des Acheteurs Hospitaliers
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Case studies
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