The app has three powerful features—Survey, Check and Digital Link.
Using the survey feature, you can assess your organisation’s possible use of GS1 barcodes—what percentage of your or your suppliers’ products have GS1 barcodes, non-GS1 standard barcodes and or no barcodes.
With the check feature, you can determine if products barcodes are correctly encoded so that, when scanned, users can access accurate product identification data, including the Global Trade Item Number and more.
In Digital Link mode you can scan a GS1 barcode and access one or more pieces of digital information about that item. (The user connects, via a Digital Link resolver, to the target digital content.)

Designed with you in mind
Nilson Gonçalves, Malta Hospital Israelita Albert Einstein São Paulo, Brazil:
“The app makes it much easier to do a quick check of the usage of barcodes and helps us better understand the growth of barcodes in a specific hospital.”
Designed with you in mind
Quentin Dittman, Director of Operations Technology, Cardinal Health:
“After last year’s [barcode] assessment, we really dug into the data. We started talking with our suppliers, reaching out to understand any issues. This understanding was really crucial for us in order to push for the highest level of compliance. Bad barcodes mean bad problems for the supply chain.”
Designed with you in mind
Many functions within one App
- Quantify the number of GS1 barcodes available for scanning.
- Make an informed decision about whether to implement barcode scanning in your environment.
- Identify any issues associated with product data encoded in your company’s barcodes—before they cause problems.
- Support regulatory actions like unique device identification (UDI) and the traceability of pharmaceuticals—dependent on implementing correctly encoded data in GS1 barcodes.
- Demonstrate how to access digital content

The app is free and available now!
Look for "HBSA" on the App Store or "Healthcare Barcode Scanner App" on Google Play and download your app now!