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Showing 15 results
Tracing insecticide-treated bed nets to the last mile using global GS1 standards
Tracing insecticide-treated bed nets to the last mile using global GS1 standards
Nigeria has the highest malaria burden globally, with insecticide-treated nets (ITNs) being crucial ...
citrus fruits traceability gs1 australia
Fresh foods
Citrus fruit traceability in a snap…
Thanks to the capabilities of next generation 2D barcodes, consumers and supply chain partners alike...
Market-leading brand protection and consumer engagement
Retail, Consumer packaged goods (CPG)
Market-leading brand protection and consumer engagement
Addressing counterfeit issues, providing true traceability.
Ramsay Health Care getting the benefits of using GS1 standards
Ramsay Health Care getting the benefits of using GS1 standards
Ramsay Health Care (Ramsay) wanted to improve the efficiency of its supply chain processes while lev...
Saving the meat industry over $200 million each year
Retail, Fresh foods
Saving the meat industry over $200 million each year
GS1 standards are helping the Australian meat industry to potentially save over 200 million dollars ...
ACT Health uses GS1 standards to create innovative solutions to fight COVID and build trust with their population
ACT Health uses GS1 standards to create innovative solutions to fight COVID and build trus...
The ACT Health team acted quickly and took advantage of its knowledge and existing use of GS1 standa...
eCommerce within the hospital pharmaceutical supply chain lays foundation for improved pat...
OneSteel and Pandrol demonstrate the benefits of GS1 standards in the steel industry