A group of segments identifying the delivery party (premise) and the meter for which consumption is being reported. This segment group is the trigger segment group to the detail section of the message and must be included at least once. |
A group of segments identifying the meter being reported, the date of the meter read, associated references, the physical characteristics of the meter, and the product or service for which consumption information is being reported. |
A group of segments providing details of the metered products or services, quantities, characteristics, and any associated dates. |
A group of segments providing details of the meter read, consumption, correction quantities, and any associated dates. |
Function: |
To specify a pertinent quantity. |
Quantity type code qualifier |
= |
Delivered quantity |
= |
Invoiced quantity |
= |
Latest cumulative quantity |
= |
Previous cumulative quantity |
= |
Estimated quantity |
= |
Adjustment to inventory quantity |
This DE is only used if the current line item is of variable quantity. |
Segment Notes: |
This segment is used to specify quantities related to the current line item.
Example: QTY+74:15000:KWT' |