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GLN Management Rules

New versus change

New versus a change

When making decisions about party and location identification, it is important to understand the differences between what is new and what is a change to a party or location being identified by an existing GLN. 
New party or location

A new party or location is considered an addition to what already exists and has been allocated a GLN. The GLN Management Rules state that if a new party or location is required, it SHALL be allocated a new GLN to accurately distinguish it from any existing party or location. (e.g., a new legal entity is formed)

Party or location change

A change is considered an update to information associated to a pre-existing party or location that is already identified by a GLN. The GLN Management Rules define when a change to certain attributes of an existing party or location are such that a new GLN is required. (e.g., an existing store relocates to a new town)

Not all changes will require a new GLN per the GLN Management Rules.

Discontinue use

When a party or location no longer needs to be actively used, the associated GLN will be discontinued. The GLN Management Rules define when a change to a party or location will result in the discontinued use of a GLN. (e.g., a distribution centre permanently closes)

Note: Updates to GS1 Company Prefix or individual GS1 identification key licensing status are separate from the GLN Management Rules and SHALL be assessed based on GS1 General Specifications section 1.6 Allocation.